### Solution:
Step 1 : Find the traitor using the phone number given. You get the first name as ‘Matthew’.
Note : Analyse the database log carefully , look for things which describe the database like tables , columns and other to get an basic Idea about what the database is all about , it will benefit you getting the flag .
Step 2 : Now as you are asked about the timestamp , you need to convert the binary into readable format . The which helps you achieving this ‘mysqlbinlog’ utility .
Step 3 : Now open the decrypted text file , and get the remaining part of the flag . The description hints that , outsider added in the database created fake transactions and ultimately dropped the entire database . Find the ‘drop’ statement and search nearby …
Step 4 : Scrolling a bit you can see an update made in the employees table , note the timestamp , and converting the binlog using Base64 helps you get the name of the outsider added .
FLAG :- VishwaCTF{Matthew_Darwin_15:31:29}