
## Thor's a hacker now, misc, 55 points


Thor has been staring at this for hours and he can't make any sense out of it, can you help him figure out what it is? [`thor.txt`](thor.txt)

__Solver__: [mut3](https://github.com/mut3)

This challenge gave a text file containing a hex dump. `xxd -r` reverses hex dumps into binary files.

# xxd -r thor.txt thor
# file thor
thor: lzip compressed data, version: 1

Lzip? the hexdump was of some obscure compression scheme.

# lzip -d thor
# file thor.out
thor.out: JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.01, resolution (DPI), density 72x72, segment length 16, Exif Standard: [TIFF image data, little-endian, direntries=5, xresolution=74, yresolution=82, resolutionunit=2, software=GIMP 2.8.18], progressive, precision 8, 1600x680, frames 3

Of a JPEG.

mv thor.out thor.jpg

Containing the flag

![thor flag](thor.jpg)

#### Bonus Story about mut3 being stupid:
I actually got super stuck on this challenge because there's a gemfile utility tool named thor installed on my system, and thought this was a pwn hidden in a misc challenge for a bit.

Original writeup (https://github.com/burlingpwn/writeups/tree/master/IceCTF-2016/thor).