
We are provided with three RSA moduli, three identical exponents (e = 3) and three ciphertexts. We are also provided a link to a profile page for Johan Håstad: http://www.nada.kth.se/~johanh/

This is clearly a reference to Håstad's broadcast attack on RSA. When X public keys are used to encrypt the same message with raw RSA (normally non-deterministic padding, as should always be used with RSA, should prevent this) and X is greater than or equal to the exponent used, it is possible to use the chinese remainder theorem algorithm to find the value of the unencrypted message raised to the public exponent. Once we find this value, we can take the e'th root and obtain the plaintext as a number.

The Cryptanalib module from FeatherDuster (https://github.com/nccgroup/featherduster) can do this for us, as shown in the following Python script:

import cryptanalib as ca

e = 3

c1 = 

n1 = </span>


c2 = </span>

n2 = </span>


c3 = </span>

n3 = </span>


answer_as_number = ca.hastad_broadcast_attack( [(c1, n1), (c2, n2), (c3, n3)], e)
print ca.long_to_string(answer_as_number)