This challenge, while silly, was a lot of fun. We're given a zip file with a bunch of files and folders. Looking through strings output for the set of files, "Minecraft" comes up.
Having already installed a copy, I took a look at the game files and noticed that the files matched! Loading up the game world, there is a switch in front of you next to a building. Flipping that switch causes a big explosion behind you. A single hole in a large block of bedrock is used to allow a redstone circuit to blow up the TNT within. Teleporting yourself inside shows a bunch of oddly arranged gold blocks and diamond blocks, which turns out to be the flag spelled out.
The thing about bedrock is that you can't normally break it. One of the two exceptions to this is creative mode. Using the server console to set yourself to creative mode, you can strip away the bedrock blocks on the top of the large bedrock chamber, exposing the flag. Creative mode also allows you to fly, so once the flag is exposed, you can fly up in the air, look down, and see the flag spelled out, sans h4ck1t{} formatting.