Rating: 4.0


Mr. Robot
(web, 25 points)

"Disallow it!"


This one was kind of cryptic at first and "disallow it!" seemed a little odd at first, however we notice the name of the challenge is "Mr. Robot". This is not only the name of a TV show (a great one I might add), but it's also referring to robots.txt (hence "disallow it"). If we go to ctf.ekoparty.org/robots.txt, we can see the following:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /static/wIMti7Z27b.txt

If we follow the disallow rule to /static/wIMti7Z27b.txt, we'll find our flag.

Flag: EKO{robot_is_following_us}

Original writeup (http://specterdev.blogspot.ca/2016/10/write-up-ekoparty-2016-ctf-web-25-50.html).