Tags: web 

Rating: 1.0

# Certified Excel Hacker - Forensic 50

Opening the file in numbers (osx) gives us an error message.
> Hidden sheets were made visible, Sheet: ANSWER

By zooming out on the answer sheet we see the letter E and knowing that the flag format is EKO{xxxxxxxxxx}, we could just read out the flag.


# Hidden inside EKO - misc 50

> Find the hidden flag in the EKO pixels!

Looking at the CSS sheet gives a link to the static background


The flag is shown in plaintext


# Mr. Robot - WEB 25

Trying with the robots file https://ctf.ekoparty.org/robots.txt

> Disallow: /static/wIMti7Z27b.txt

Going to the url gives us the flag


# JVM - Reversing 25

Decompiling the java class file we just se a function that is storing the flag in str.

> String str = "EKO{" + i + "}";

Adding some java to print the str variable, recompiling and running the code gives us the flag.

> System.out.println(string);


# RFC 7230 - WEB 50

> Get just basic information from this server (ctf.ekoparty.org).

Curl -I ctf.ekoparty.org gives us the flag in plaintext.


Original writeup (https://github.com/Idomin/CTF-Writeups/tree/master/EKOCTF-2016).