
# Prime (ppc 100)


In the task we get a lot of [files](encrypted.zip) with a large number as filename and a single byte as content.
The goal of this task is to extract contents from all files which have a prime number as name.
We do this with a simple script and gmpy2.is_prime():

import codecs
import os
from gmpy2 import is_prime

def main():
basedir = "/tmp/encrypted"
result = ""
for filename in os.listdir(basedir):
if is_prime(int(filename)):
with codecs.open(basedir + "/" + filename, "r") as input_file:
data = input_file.read()[:-1]
result += data
print('result', result)


Which gives the flag: `c93c0f30299130cde942fce8ec5dd0b3012dcfa478a4ab2314ee525098fb779e2812d6731d372bae6d71e220a6`

###PL version

W zadaniu dostajemy dużo [plików](encrypted.zip) z dużą liczbą jako nazwa pliku i jednym bajtem zawartości.
Celem jest pobranie zawartości ze wszystkich plików, których nazwa jest liczbą pierwszą.
Robimy to za pomocą skryptu i gmpy2.is_prime():

import codecs
import os
from gmpy2 import is_prime

def main():
basedir = "/tmp/encrypted"
result = ""
for filename in os.listdir(basedir):
if is_prime(int(filename)):
with codecs.open(basedir + "/" + filename, "r") as input_file:
data = input_file.read()[:-1]
result += data
print('result', result)


Co daje nam flage: `c93c0f30299130cde942fce8ec5dd0b3012dcfa478a4ab2314ee525098fb779e2812d6731d372bae6d71e220a6`

Original writeup (https://github.com/p4-team/ctf/tree/master/2016-11-17-qiwi-2016/prime).