Tags: misc 

Rating: 5.0

## PlayFake (Misc-50)

### Description

See **playfake.py** and decrypt the ciphertext


Notice that flag is generated using "msg", not "msg2".
After decryption, you get "msg2".
You must manually add spaces and perform other required changes to get "msg".

### Solution
* It is given that the words `SharifCTF` and `contest` exits in the `msg`
* Also msg2 and msg are almost identical.
* So, I brute-force the 5-letter long key using all the meaningful 5-letter words
* How did I do that?
* If I calculate cipher corresponding to `SharifCTF`, then it must be present in Ciphertext
* I take `SharifCTF` as msg and calculated cipher and check for whick keys it is in Ciphertext
* Similarly I do for `contest`, then I take intersection of possible keys in two cases
* After calculating the key, writing decryption is easy and calculate `msg2`.
* After that msg with a few modification.
* Passing msg to `make_flag()` gives away the flag.
* `SharifCTF{655ad15484a60457f3af49512a5d5206}`

Original writeup (https://github.com/InfoSecIITR/write-ups/tree/master/2016/SharifCTF-2016/misc-50).