
# Cryptor

## The Given
We have found the cryptor source code. Decrypt the file.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>

using namespace std;
int bitXor(int, int);

int main(int argc, char **argv)
char *path=new char[30];
if(argc > 1)
path = argv[1];
printf("\nenter file\n");
int g = rand() % 512 + 32;
int n = rand() % g;
int mask = rand() % 256;
FILE *inFile = fopen(path, "rb");
FILE *outFile = fopen(strcat(path, "_Crypted"), "wb");
if(inFile == NULL || outFile == NULL)
printf("Error\ncant read/write file\n");
return 1;
unsigned char H, L;
unsigned char *readBuffer = new unsigned char[g], *writeBuffer = new unsigned char[g];
int len = fread(readBuffer, 1, g, inFile);
if(len < g)
fwrite(readBuffer , 1 , len , outFile);
for(int i = 0 ; i < g ; i++)
int nIndex = i + n;
int pIndex = i - n;
if(nIndex >= g)
nIndex -= g;
if(nIndex < 0)
nIndex += g;
if(pIndex >= g)
pIndex -= g;
if(pIndex < 0)
pIndex += g;
H = readBuffer[nIndex] / 16;
L = readBuffer[pIndex] % 16;
writeBuffer[i] = bitXor(16 * H + L, mask);
fwrite(writeBuffer , 1 , g , outFile);
fclose (inFile);
fclose (outFile);
printf("\nsave decryption code: %d.%d.%d\n", g, n, mask);
return 0;

int bitXor(int x, int y)
int a = x & y;
int b = ~x & ~y;
int z = ~a & ~b;
return z;

Also included is a file named "flag.png_Crypted".

## Analysis
Looks like we choose a random key here:
int g = rand() % 512 + 32;
int n = rand() % g;
int mask = rand() % 256;
First impression: there are about `512 * 512 * 256 = 2^26` possible keys,
which is a tiny search space.

Here is where we do the actual encryption:
unsigned char H, L;
unsigned char *readBuffer = new unsigned char[g], *writeBuffer = new unsigned char[g];
int len = fread(readBuffer, 1, g, inFile);
if(len < g)
fwrite(readBuffer , 1 , len , outFile);
for(int i = 0 ; i < g ; i++)
int nIndex = i + n;
int pIndex = i - n;
if(nIndex >= g)
nIndex -= g;
if(nIndex < 0)
nIndex += g;
if(pIndex >= g)
pIndex -= g;
if(pIndex < 0)
pIndex += g;
H = readBuffer[nIndex] / 16;
L = readBuffer[pIndex] % 16;
writeBuffer[i] = bitXor(16 * H + L, mask);
fwrite(writeBuffer , 1 , g , outFile);
So `g` is used as a block length, `n` is used as an offset, and `mask` is used
as a mask. The way this code is written, it's kind of hard to see where bits
are going in all of that arithmetic, so let's simplify it a bit.

First, let's look at these lines:
int nIndex = i + n;
if(nIndex >= g)
nIndex -= g;
if(nIndex < 0)
nIndex += g;

The index `i` loops over the block, and we're adding the offset `n` to index
later into the block. The if statements make sure that we wrap around instead
of running off the end of the block. I find it easier to read as
int nIndex = (i + n) % g;
int pIndex = (i - n) % g;

H and L are being grabbed from those offset bytes. But dividing by 16 is the
same as bit shifting right by 4 bits, and modding by 16 is the same as masking
away everything but the lowest order 4 bits, so we can reason better about
where the bits are going if we write it as
H = readBuffer[nIndex] >> 4;
L = readBuffer[pIndex] % 0xf;

In the same vein, we can rewrite `16 * H + L` as `H << 4 | L`.

The bitXor function is literally just a bitwise xor, so I have no clue why that
is a function. Rewrite it as
writeBuffer[i] = (H << 4 | L) ^ mask;

Here's what we have now:
unsigned char H, L;
unsigned char *readBuffer = new unsigned char[g], *writeBuffer = new unsigned char[g];
int len = fread(readBuffer, 1, g, inFile);
if(len < g)
fwrite(readBuffer , 1 , len , outFile);
for(int i = 0 ; i < g ; i++)
int nIndex = (i + n) % g;
int pIndex = (i - n) % g;
H = readBuffer[nIndex] >> 4;
L = readBuffer[pIndex] & 0xf;
writeBuffer[i] = (H << 4 | L) ^ mask;
fwrite(writeBuffer , 1 , g , outFile);

Great. It looks like each byte of ciphertext is made of the high-order bits of
a later byte and the low-order bits of an earlier byte (modulo `g`). Everything
is processed as blocks of g at a time, and the leftovers are kept as plaintext.

Now let's break it.

First we figure out how decryption works. Notice that each byte of plaintext is
"sampled" twice: once for its high bits and once for its low bits. For example,
the low bits of `p[0]` are found at `c[n]` and the high bits are in `c[g - n]`,
masked with the mask. So
`p[i] = ((c[(i - n) % g] >> 4) << 4) | (c[(i + n) % g] & 0xff)`.

The code for the decryption therefore looks like this:
import sys

read = [ord(c) for c in open('flag.png_Crypted').read()]
blocks = [read[i * g:(i + 1) * g] for i in range(len(read) / g)]
write = [0] * g
for block in blocks:
for i in range(g):
nIndex = (i - n) % g
pIndex = (i + n) % g
H = block[nIndex] >> 4
L = block[pIndex] & 0xf
write[i] = (H << 4 | L) ^ mask
sys.stdout.write(''.join(chr(c) for c in write))
sys.stdout.write(''.join(chr(c) for c in read[g * (len(read) / g):]))

Now we just need to find the key (g, n, mask). This is made easier by knowning
something about the plaintext: it is a PNG, which has the header
"\x89\x50\x4e\x47". This gives us a very fast test to brute force the key.
read = [ord(c) for c in open('flag.png_Crypted').read()]
write = [0, 0, 0, 0]
for g in range(32, 512 + 32):
for n in range(g):
for mask in range(256):
for i in range(4):
nIndex = (i - n) % g
pIndex = (i + n) % g
H = read[nIndex] >> 4
L = read[pIndex] & 0xf
write[i] = (H << 4 | L) ^ mask
if write == [0x89, 0x50, 0x4e, 0x47]:
print g, n, mask

Once we have the key, we just plug it into the decryption code, and we indeed
get a PNG.

![Decrypted Flag](cryptor.png)

Open it up, and it's the flag

Original writeup (https://github.com/BatmansKitchen/ctf-writeups/blob/master/2013-asis-ctf/cryptor.md).