
## Logarithms Are Hard (Misc, 10 points, 362 solves)

What is e^(1.000000001)?

Please enter in decimal with 7 places.
(For example, if the answer was 2.71828183... the flag would be 2.7182818 )

In classic PlaidCTF fashion we have another "X are hard" challenge. A quick google search for `logarithm bug` gives us http://www.datamath.org/Story/LogarithmBug.htm. Further down the page we see the logarithm section we care about _The yx Function_. Our n value is 1,000,000,000 for 9 places, and in the table we see **2.7191928**.

Original writeup (https://github.com/ResultsMayVary/ctf/tree/master/PlaidCTF-2017/misc10_logarithms).