# DEF CON CTF QUALIFIERS 2017 - Crackme 2000
We were given multiple binary files that receive a code from stdin and show a string based on whether the code was correct or not:
$ ./01dd90c3b7d9a36227a5ddc96c7887acbcb973744c1971eaa6da6cccc6c3e261
enter code:
$ ./01dd90c3b7d9a36227a5ddc96c7887acbcb973744c1971eaa6da6cccc6c3e261
enter code:
==== The meds helped
sum is 12
You can download [some samples](crackmes-2000-samples.zip) of the provided files, solution here includes:
* magic
* sorcery
* alchemy
* witchcraft
## TL;DR
grep ftw
```objdump -M intel -d magic/* | grep -P "cmp\s+rdi" | grep -oP "0x\w{1,2}" | xxd -r -p```
```objdump -M intel -d sorcery/* | grep -P " 3\w{3}.*cmp\s+[ac]l" | grep -oP "0x\w{1,2}" | xxd -r -p```
```objdump -M intel -d alchemy/* | grep -P " 4[012]\w{4}:.*cmp\s+r[ac]x,0x\w{2}$" | grep -oP "0x\w{1,2}" | xxd -r -p```
```objdump -M intel -d witchcraft/* | grep -P "[add|sub|cmp]\s+rdi,0x" | cut -c33-80 | sed 's/ /,/' | python parser.py```
## Solutions
This may not be an advanced solution but it was one of the fastest way that came to mind. Each one of the problems had a pattern that was easily grepable.
### magic
First binary followed this pattern for string comparison:
cmp rdi,0xhh
93b: 48 83 ff 3d cmp rdi,0x3d // First char
93f: 74 0e je 94f <_init+0x257>
941: 48 83 ec 08 sub rsp,0x8
945: bf 01 00 00 00 mov edi,0x1
94a: e8 09 fe ff ff call 758 <_init+0x60>
94f: b8 16 00 00 00 mov eax,0x16
954: c3 ret
955: 48 83 ff 3d cmp rdi,0x3d // Second char
959: 74 0e je 969 <_init+0x271>
95b: 48 83 ec 08 sub rsp,0x8
95f: bf 02 00 00 00 mov edi,0x2
964: e8 ef fd ff ff call 758 <_init+0x60>
969: b8 43 00 00 00 mov eax,0x43
96e: c3 ret
We used objdump, grep, and xxd to get the solutions for the magic binaries:
objdump -M intel -d $file |
grep -P "cmp\s+rdi" |
grep -oP "0x\w{1,2}" |
xxd -r -p
$ for file in $(ls);do answer=$(objdump -M intel -d $file | grep -P "cmp\s+rdi" | grep -oP "0x\w{1,2}" | xxd -r -p);echo "'$file': '$answer',";done
'01dd90c3b7d9a36227a5ddc96c7887acbcb973744c1971eaa6da6cccc6c3e261': '==== The meds helped ',
'0af4913433ca0adc86ad2befd7ffe465239953364a8e1dcfbddbe05254bb8c25': 'de. On the last night, he presented me with a ',
'0c029d126ab043c1b5137f8ddece16af67857743cc1a8e0d496181f002861c04': 'han anyone -- shir',
We sent the answers to the server using [magic.py](magic.py):
$ python magic.py
File: 5cd47c03c44ab6e407cc48a3ed0244d97e9a0cecc631ee981dad363845e73cfa
Answer: LCBjb21tb24gbGF3IHJpZ2h0cyBv
File: 550d4a3c0add395524dabaa290929a040dadafb3f54740575e3cf43ea8dfddb3
Answer: IGFuZCB0aGUgaG91c2Ugdw==
FLAG: The flag is: a color map of the sun sokemsUbif
### sorcery
Sorcery binaries followed a similar pattern with a slight modification at the end:
3hhh: cmp [ac]l,0xhh
36a5: 80 f9 67 cmp cl,0x67 // First char
36a8: 0f 85 76 03 00 00 jne 3a24 <pthread_mutex_lock@plt+0xe94>
36ae: 48 83 f8 01 cmp rax,0x1
36b2: 0f 84 f8 02 00 00 je 39b0 <pthread_mutex_lock@plt+0xe20>
36b8: 8a 4f 01 mov cl,BYTE PTR [rdi+0x1]
36bb: 80 f9 20 cmp cl,0x20 // Second char
36be: 0f 85 6c 03 00 00 jne 3a30 <pthread_mutex_lock@plt+0xea0>
36c4: 48 83 f8 02 cmp rax,0x2
36c8: 0f 84 e2 02 00 00 je 39b0 <pthread_mutex_lock@plt+0xe20>
36ce: 8a 4f 02 mov cl,BYTE PTR [rdi+0x2]
3935: 3c 50 cmp al,0x50 // Last char
3937: 0f 85 4f 02 00 00 jne 3b8c <pthread_mutex_lock@plt+0xffc>
The second command used was:
objdump -M intel -d $file |
grep -P " 3\w{3}.*cmp\s+[ac]l" |
grep -oP "0x\w{1,2}" |
xxd -r -p
$ for file in $(ls);do answer=$(objdump -M intel -d $file | grep -P " 3\w{3}.*cmp\s+[ac]l" | grep -oP "0x\w{1,2}" | xxd -r -p);echo "'$file': '$answer',";done
'02a1deee284afc3acd59d1b68cf5c9ad40e4ccf47ba99db55e38df8f1136ef5e': 'g plans, dictating voicemail. P',
'02a72b19e546bc4ef56610c1f5c200ccef462907241a22909fbe341da20d92a2': 'assed it to me',
'0a4def1cae72a724e81042f7565182ca70b7ffb2de9314bd6380b03c42e9bb84': 'elt his ',
Using [sorcery.py](sorcery.py) we could get the flag for the problem:
$ python sorcerer.py
File: 5c28784fd1e7e89499e8180be9325e0b8b10390ff85bb66d7ca5cdbf1c9b66d4
Answer: IGNhcmVmdWxs
File: eeb4f76a92eda100ea7dbebd2c16136826b1614f3635f93488dafcda597af099
Answer: eSB2aXNpdCB0aGlzIHBsYWNlIGZvciA=
FLAG: The flag is: don't forget me when you're famous Klousovnec
### alchemy
Following the same reasoning we can find the pattern for this binary which is similar to the sorcery pattern:
4[012]hhhh: cmp r[ca]x,0hh
40f1b4: 48 83 f9 65 cmp rcx,0x65 // First char
40f1b8: 0f 85 93 09 00 00 jne 40fb51 <_start@@Base+0x24e1>
40f1be: 41 83 ff 01 cmp r15d,0x1
40f1c2: 0f 8e 2f 09 00 00 jle 40faf7 <_start@@Base+0x2487>
40f1c8: 0f b6 48 01 movzx ecx,BYTE PTR [rax+0x1]
40f1cc: 48 83 f9 20 cmp rcx,0x20 // Second char
40f1d0: 0f 85 88 09 00 00 jne 40fb5e <_start@@Base+0x24ee>
40f1d6: 41 83 ff 02 cmp r15d,0x2
40f1da: 0f 8e 17 09 00 00 jle 40faf7 <_start@@Base+0x2487>
40f1e0: 0f b6 48 02 movzx ecx,BYTE PTR [rax+0x2]
40f5a4: 48 83 f8 65 cmp rax,0x65 // Last char
40f5a8: 0f 85 c5 07 00 00 jne 40fd73 <_start@@Base+0x2703>
The command for this problem was:
objdump -M intel -d $file |
grep -P " 4[012]\w{4}:.*cmp\s+r[ac]x,0x\w{2}$" |
grep -oP "0x\w{1,2}" |
xxd -r -p
# for file in $(ls);do answer=$(objdump -M intel -d $file | grep -P " 4[012]\w{4}:.*cmp\s+r[ac]x,0x\w{2}$" | grep -oP "0x\w{1,2}" | xxd -r -p);echo "'$file': '$answer',";done
'04b7f46deed1405c91d155e535ddd744176611b0b9f0d28962c6025822d34bf8': 'e up the steeplechase and she had the dogle',
'04bff69a80594bfd1b8b4d57f87a2fb80a6cca2eb3582997fe61a97b4f8164ad': ', as far as possible from Dan. He was working h',
'0b96430f0a2d8960ae9116db3a1cb580b56ba9a74bfdd0ba74ad3cfff6778a9a': 'issioned their work. Suneep l',
Using [alchemy.py](alchemy.py) we were able to get the flag:
$ python alchemy.py
File: 762ad3727e8be06b6b10f94291f63028b26328500092c52523f3f13544cce639
Answer: IGF3YXkgaW4gdGhlIHJhcg==
File: def7fcc4e930d34cb98ab1d7c922a3eaab60d5ed6495d067569dcff5012ca523
Answer: dmVuIGNhd2VkLCBN
FLAG: The flag is: end of the world sun clyigujheo
### witchcraft
Witchcraft did not follow a so simple pattern as seen before, instead it used additions and substractions to calculate a proper value for each character, however the pattern was:
add rdi,0xhh
sub rdi,0xhh
cmp rdi,0xhh
402120: 55 push rbp
402121: 48 89 e5 mov rbp,rsp
402124: 48 85 ff test rdi,rdi // First char
402127: 0f 84 28 01 00 00 je 402255 <_TTSfq4n_s___TFVs11_StringCore15_encodeSomeUTF8fT4fromSi_TSiVs6UInt64_@plt+0xf75>
40212d: 48 83 c7 14 add rdi,0x14
402131: 0f 80 28 01 00 00 jo 40225f <_TTSfq4n_s___TFVs11_StringCore15_encodeSomeUTF8fT4fromSi_TSiVs6UInt64_@plt+0xf7f>
402137: 48 83 c7 1f add rdi,0x1f
402245: 48 81 ff c5 00 00 00 cmp rdi,0xc5 // Calculated char comparison
40224c: 75 07 jne 402255 <_TTSfq4n_s___TFVs11_StringCore15_encodeSomeUTF8fT4fromSi_TSiVs6UInt64_@plt+0xf75>
40224e: b8 c5 00 00 00 mov eax,0xc5
402253: 5d pop rbp
402254: c3 ret
[parser.py](parser.py) script was used to calculate the initial state of each character:
import sys
values = []
for line in sys.stdin:
op, dummy, val = line.split(',')
if val.find('ffffffffffffff') != -1:
val = (256 - int(val.replace('ffffffffffffff', ''), 16)) * -1
val = int(val, 16)
if op == 'cmp':
result = val
for value in values:
result = result + value
values = []
if op == 'add':
val = val * -1
values = values + [val]
The command used to get the string for each binary was:
objdump -M intel -d $file |
grep -P "[add|sub|cmp]\s+rdi,0x" |
cut -c33-80 |
sed 's/ /,/' |
python parser.py
$ for file in $(ls);do answer=$(objdump -M intel -d $file | grep -P "[add|sub|cmp]\s+rdi,0x" | cut -c33-80 | sed 's/ /,/' | python parser.py);echo "'$file': '$answer',";done
'01b22b4c67a408a08c07b7c3af5a807512cc6dc41380d889f14605dc3bbcda43': 'y Cast. She vanishes, then reappears, forty ',
'02bd830274ed4a6550456eb092a5124701d1d1216bea20ee86e70f7a78ef1729': ' down to work for me, they're all real',
'03b2dcde6fbc4f9cb96ce1de4cbccd73960c196f6345e6dee66da0a9a89bf2d0': ' did the',
Finally, the [witchcraft.py](witchcraft.py) was used to get the final flag:
$ python witchcraft.py
File: 6577fdb2474b1a499922c6544b0c1888eedb28e6d48d0003d958dfa24ac16c08
Answer: VG9uaWdodC4gQWZ0
File: da92359b736fdc3d0d1c7688e9ebd02b67406d4260823514cd849eaed0ec9c13
Answer: IG9mIHlvdXIgdm9sdW50YXJ5IG5lcnZvdXMgcHJvYw==
FLAG: The flag is: bustin makes me feel good scengoybEm
## Flags
### magic
> a color map of the sun sokemsUbif
### sorcery
> don't forget me when you're famous Klousovnec
### alchemy
> end of the world sun clyigujheo
### witchcraft
> bustin makes me feel good scengoybEm