Tags: crypto 


# __Tokyo Westerns CTF 3rd 2017.__
## _BabyDLP_

## Information
**Category:** Crypto
**Points:** 69
**Solves:** 91
> Usually, Baby* is easy. **ppc2.chal.ctf.westerns.tokyo:28459**


## Solution

We need to solve equation like:



- __p__ is a big prime number;

- __m__ is our flag in bits;

- __s__ is our input

- __X__ is out output.

We can only try to guess the bits of the flag using XOR one by one from the end of the binary number.

The first step is the XORing with __0__ and __1__:



![equation](./images/4.png) and
![equation](./images/5.png) differ only in the last bit.

If the last bit of __m__ is __0__, then ![equation](./images/6.png) = 1 + ![equation](./images/7.png), otherwise, 1 + ![equation](./images/8.png) = ![equation](./images/9.png) =>

=> ![equation](./images/10.png) = ![equation](./images/11.png) (__m__'s last bit is __0__) or ![equation](./images/12.png) = ![equation](./images/13.png) (__m__'s last bit is __1__)

![equation](./images/14.png) => ![equation](./images/15.png)

![equation](./images/16.png) => ![equation](./images/17.png)

Left parts are integers. It means right parts are integers too. Now we will find integer variant (__0__ or __1__) and save the result.

Second step is to undestand how to find other bits. Now we will XOR number with __1(i-1 random bits)__ and __0(same i-1 random bits)__ to get results, which degrees differ only in i position and one result is ![equation](./images/18.png) times larger. (![equation](./images/19.png) and otherwise)

It takes a lot of memory and time to calculate multiplier. We've optimized this with modulus multiplying.

Completed exploit:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from socket import socket

p = 160634950613302858781995506902938412625377360249559915379491492274326359260806831823821711441204122060415286351711411013883400510041411782176467940678464161205204391247137689678794367049197824119717278923753940984084059450704378828123780678883777306239500480793044460796256306557893061457956479624163771194201
E = 10e-8

def calc(mul, x1, x2):
return abs((x1 - (mul * x2)%p) % p) < E , abs((x2 - (mul * x1)%p) % p) < E

res = ''
for i in range(260*16):
mul = 2 if i == 0 else (mul**2 % p)
a,b = map(lambda x: hex(int(x, 2))[2:].encode()+b'\r\n',('1'+res, '0'+res))

with socket() as s:
s.connect(('ppc2.chal.ctf.westerns.tokyo', 28459))
a = s.recv(2048).strip()[2:].decode()
b = s.recv(2048).strip()[2:].decode()

a,b = map(lambda x:int(x, 16), (a,b))
v1, v2 = calc(mul, a, b)
if v1 and v2:
print(res, v1, v2)
res = ('1' if not v1 else '0') + res
print('res:', res)

Original writeup (https://github.com/VoidHack/write-ups/tree/master/Tokyo%20Westerns%20CTF%203rd%202017/crypto/babydlp).