Tags: asis2017
Rating: 5.0
<h1>GSA File Server</h1>
Category: Web Network OSINT
GSA's file server, go find the hole, drill it and grab the flag :)
Note that Scope is*
Alert: No remote brute force and automated scanning are needed.
So after checking the website, look like a simple web app with JS (js/functions.js) with a interesting parameter (showFiles)
so i tried a GET request to see the server answer and all i get is this (look like listing the elements in specific directory
![alt text](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/occupe/Writeups-CTF/master/ASIS-CTF/Gsa%20File%20server/images/2.PNG)
let check with burpsuit :
![alt text](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/occupe/Writeups-CTF/master/ASIS-CTF/Gsa%20File%20server/images/3.PNG)
Bingooo, as you can see in the server answer there is the Directory parameter , so let's try some traversal tricks ,
![alt text](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/occupe/Writeups-CTF/master/ASIS-CTF/Gsa%20File%20server/images/4.PNG)
use ../ and you can see that it's work perfectly , let's check others files
![alt text](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/occupe/Writeups-CTF/master/ASIS-CTF/Gsa%20File%20server/images/5.PNG)
so the admin panel is the (panelmanager-0.1) , now we have to read the files on the server, but first let's check the the panelmanager
let's try .. FAIL!!!
but as you can see in the description that said (that Scope is*)
try the common port 8080 (FAIL) ..8081 (work) as you can see is a simple upload that's allow you to upload files (docx ..)
generally when we say docx ==> XML ==> XXE ,
we need a listener and a good payload and docx (where we inject in the word/document.xml)
i used https://requestb.in (as listener ) and as a payload in the docx
![alt text](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/occupe/Writeups-CTF/master/ASIS-CTF/Gsa%20File%20server/images/payload.PNG)
where the txt file contains:
so i have only to modify the payloads in my webserver and reupload the file docx (without rebuild-it every single try)
and to check the aswer you have to visite (https://requestb.in/****?inspect)
i get answer for the /etc/passwd
to be honest i spent hours graping files but no FLAG ... but the most interesting thing is the filesharing (permission denied)
![alt text](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/occupe/Writeups-CTF/master/ASIS-CTF/Gsa%20File%20server/images/7.PNG)
so the idea is to read /etc/samba/smb.conf to get secret dir filename which is s3cRetP4th
![alt text](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/occupe/Writeups-CTF/master/ASIS-CTF/Gsa%20File%20server/images/10.PNG)
and all we have to do now is the grab the file and get the FLAG
![alt text](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/occupe/Writeups-CTF/master/ASIS-CTF/Gsa%20File%20server/images/11.PNG)
the flag ASIS{Vuln_web_appZ_plus_misc0nfig_eQ_dis4st3R!}