
# Hack Dat Kiwi 2017
## PS2

## Information
**Category:** | **Points:** | **Author:**
--- | --- | ---
Crypto | 100 | Ben Burnett

## Description
We are presented with a php script responsible for encryption and decryption along with three parameters for configuring it:
SEED = 7;

We are presented with a large block of ciphertext, and asked to decrypt it.

This is the same encryption script that PS1 uses, but the parameters are different. Most interestingly the encryption goes through two rounds.

## Solution
I don't want to repeat too much from the PS1 write-up, so I'll assume that you have read that one first.
Again, the major difference here is that the encryption goes through two passes.
This means that each piece of cipher text is encrypted by two, probably different, pieces of the key.

The plan of attack here is to use the solution for PS1, but after doing the reverse substitution we then again find all
possible values for the second xor such that the second reverse substitution results in a prinable ascii character.

The `ps2.py` will solve each column one by one and create an output which is the solved md5 hash of the key. Again,
we can plug this in to the php script to retrieve the flag.

The output of the script is:
Solving column 0 ...
Solving column 1 ...
Solving column 2 ...
Solving column 3 ...
Solving column 4 ...
Solving column 5 ...
Solving column 6 ...
Solving column 7 ...
Solving column 8 ...
Solving column 9 ...
Solving column 10 ...
Solving column 11 ...
Solving column 12 ...
Solving column 13 ...
Solving column 14 ...
Solving column 15 ...

Original writeup (https://github.com/oh-iowned/ctf-writeups/tree/master/2017/hack-dat-kiwi/ps2).