
SDR :: American Folk Hero

Challenge Prompt

> Who is the hero of the intermittent transmission at 462.2 Mhz?


This was the first of three challenges where we had to use a [Software Defined Radio]. They handed out some [RTL-SDR]s, but I had brought my own.

They let us know we only needed to _receive_, not transmit (thank goodness), so we seemed fine. I needed some way to actually hear the signal, so I went the easy route and went for [SDR#].

I was too lazy to reboot and deal with it and the drivers on the Windows side, so I just did it all on Linux. These are the commands I entered to install:

apt install mono-complete libportaudio2 librtlsdr0
git clone https://github.com/cgommel/sdrsharp
cd sdrsharp
xbuild /p:TargetFrameworkVersion="v4.5" /p:Configuration=Release
cd Release

ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libportaudio.so.2 libportaudio.so

ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/librtlsdr.so.0 librtlsdr.dll
mono SDRSharp.exe

Then, we just blindly tried to listen with our [SDR]. Again, I didn't really like this challenge, because sometimes the organizers were transmitting, sometimes they weren't, that was never really communicated to us, there was some noise in the room, the signal wasn't always the best in some pieces of the room (and our seated setup was not one of them), so availability was off.

_Eventually_ (seriously after a long long while) we heard what was being played (it was a song) enough for me to try and scribble down lyrics.

I Googled what I had of the lyrics and tracked down the song. I tried the song writer, the singer, blah blah blah... when those didn't work, I went to the GTF organizer and asked for some clarification. I had the lyrics up on my laptop and he said, "well, who is the _hero_? The song should make it pretty clear..."

Oh. It was just some named character in the song. Okay. Whatever. Flag get.

The song was Convoy. C. W. McCall

__Flag__: `Rubber Duck`

[Software Defined Radio]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software-defined_radio
[SDR]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software-defined_radio
[RTL-SDR]: https://www.rtl-sdr.com/
[SDR#]: http://airspy.com/

Original writeup (https://github.com/USCGA/cyberseed_2017/tree/master/capture_the_flag/american_folk_hero).