Tags: pwn
Rating: 5.0
struct Ghost {
char desc[0x48] ;
long magic ;
off-by-one NULL byte in new_heap
void new_heap(){
int i ;
size_t size = 0;
for(i = 0 ; i < MAX ; i++){
heap[i] = malloc(HEAPSIZE);
puts("Alloacte error !");
printf("Data :");
return ;
puts("Too many heap !");
} ```
+ The size of heap is 168 bytes, but it use `scanf("%168s",heap[i[)` to read input. It will puts a null byte in the end of input. If your length of input is equal to 168 byte, it would lead to off-byte one overflow.
Information leak
void read_input(char *buf,unsigned int size){
int ret ;
ret = read(0,buf,size);
if(ret <= 0){
puts("read error");
and it would use stdin buffer. So we can overwrite the _IO_buf_end
,you will have a stdin buffer in libc. After do that you can control the flow.+ Information leak
+ Heap address
+ It a little hard to get heap address. Because we only have three smallbin and one fastbin chunk.
1. Add a ghost and three heap
2. Remove the first heap and ghost

3. Remove the last heap, it would merge with top and trigger `malloc_cosolidate`. The fastbin chunk would merge with unsorted chunk.

4. Add two heap

5. Remove `Heap 1` so that it can merge with free chunk and return to unsorted bin.

6. Add one heap, and remove `heap 0`. We can see that we have two chunk in unsoted bin, so we have heap address in the heap.

7. Add ghost and we can get heap address by watching ghost
+ Libc address
+ It's easier than heap address. Just use unsorted chunk.
+ Create a overlap chunk
1. Remove ghost and all of heap
2. Add a heap, ghost and two heap
3. Remove `heap 0` and ghost

4. Remove `heap 2` and it would trigger `malloc_consolidate`

5. Add 2 heap

6. Remove `heap 0` and `heap 1`

7. Trigger the vulnerability

8. Add 1 heap

9. Remove `heap 1` (Let it can remove `heap 0`)

10. Remove `heap 0`

11. Add a ghost

12. Add a new heap and forge fake chunk

13. Add a new heap and remove `heap 2`, then you can unlink success and create overlap chunk.

14. More detail you can see my [exploit](./exp.py)
+ Unsorted bin attack
+ Use unsorted bin attak to overwrite `_IO_buf_end`

+ Trigger `scanf()`
+ It will read data to stdin buffer. You can use it to overwrite `malloc_hook` with one gadget
+ Trigger `malloc` and you will get shell.
+ More detail about FILE structure
+ [Play with FILE Structure](http://4ngelboy.blogspot.tw/2017/11/play-with-file-structure-yet-another.html)
+ Exploit
+ [exp.py](./exp.py)