Tags: re 


#!/usr/bin/env python2

# 1. xor every char with 0x76
# 2. xor chars [7, 14) w/ 0xad and other stuff
# 3. xor chars [14, 21) w/ 0xbe and other stuff
# 4. xor chars [21, 28) w/ 0xef and other stuff

def lshift(y, x):
return x << y
def rshift(y, x):
return x >> y
def _and(y, x):
return y & x;
def _or(y, x):
return y | x;
def _xor(y, x):
return y ^ x;

def math7to14(char):
return _or(
_xor(0x76, char)
_xor(0x76, char)

def math14to21(char):
return _or(
_xor(0x76, char)
_xor(0x76, char)

def math21to28(char):
return _or(
_xor(0x76, char)
_xor(0x76, char)

#encoded flag address: 0x41b0dc
encoded_flag = list("\x1e\x15\x02\x10\rHHo\xdd\xddHdc\xd7.,\xfejm*\xf2o\x9aM\x8bK\xca\xcfN@F\x10GF\x0b")
flag = []
for c in encoded_flag:
flag += [(chr(ord(c) ^ 0x76)) ]

for i in range(len(encoded_flag)):
if 7 <= i < 14:
for j in range(128):
if math7to14(j) == ord(encoded_flag[i]):
print("i: " + str(i) + " j: " + str(j) + " char: " +chr(j))
flag[i] = chr(j)
if 14 <= i < 21:
for j in range(128):
if math14to21(j) == ord(encoded_flag[i]):
print("i: " + str(i) + " j: " + str(j) + " char: " +chr(j))
flag[i] = chr(j)
if 21 <= i < 28:
for j in range(128):
if math21to28(j) == ord(encoded_flag[i]):
print("i: " + str(i) + " j: " + str(j) + " char: " +chr(j))
flag[i] = chr(j)

print(''.join(c for c in flag))
# hctf{>>D55_CH0CK3R_B0o0M!-5e860f10}

Original writeup (https://github.com/b01lers/writeups/blob/master/2017/hctf/Evr_Q/solve.py).