Tags: nonce crypto dsa 


# GreHack 2017 - NEW DSA
### Crypto - 100 pts

I think I did a major breakthrough in cryptography: I managed to implement the DSA algorithm without any need of a random source. After all, all we need is a nonce, right ?

Don't you dare tell me it's insecure: I tested it! But if you think you're smarter than me, I dare you to sign sign_me with my key just knowing the signature of signed which is signature.

Public key: public.pem Format expected for the signature (same as the file 'signature'): '(0000000, 0000000)'

This challenge is about signatures with DSA. The text is pretty straightforward, it doesn't use random sources, which is a mistake. Indeed, When generating a DSA signature, you need to use your private key and a *cryptographically secure random* number (usually called `k`). If this number is not random and can be found, we can then retrieve the private key.

Indeed, looking at [DSA Algorithm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_Signature_Algorithm#Signing), we get the signing step formula:
![s = k^-1(H(m) + xr) [q]](https://wikimedia.org/api/rest_v1/media/math/render/svg/c44c50d272b314bf958cc2757987d7ca93e3d789).

If we know `k`, we can then retrieve `x` (the private key) with the formula: ![x = ((k * s) - H(m))/r mod q](formula.gif) which translates to: ![x = ((k * s) - H(m)) * mod_inv(r, q) % q](inline_formula.gif)

Here, with a quick look at the `my_DSA.py` file, we can see that `k` is not random.`k` is only dependant on the message signed and the public key. So we can easily reconstruct the `k` value used for the signature given, recover the private key and use it to sign our own message.

For the solution, I had few problems during the challenge, the biggest one was that pip was apparently giving me the right version of pycrypto but when running it, the `importKey` method of DSA wasn't available. So I had to download the repository and build and install the package manually to make it work.

from Crypto.PublicKey import DSA
from Crypto.Hash import SHA

# Regular Modinv code

def egcd(a, b):
if a == 0:
return (b, 0, 1)
g, y, x = egcd(b % a, a)
return (g, x - (b // a) * y, y)

def modinv(a, m):
g, x, y = egcd(a, m)
if g != 1:
raise Exception('modular inverse does not exist')
return x % m

# nonce Generation code from the my_DSA.py file of the challenge
def nonce(msg, max_int):
n = 0
for i in msg:
n += i % max_int
n = 53 * n % max_int
n = (n - len(msg)) % max_int
return n

if __name__ == '__main__':
with open("public.pem", "rb") as public:
public_dsa = DSA.importKey(public.read())
with open('signed', 'rb') as f:
signed_msg = f.read()
with open('signature', 'rb') as f:
r, s = eval(f.read())
with open('sign_me', 'rb') as f:
to_sign = f.read()

k = nonce(signed_msg, public_dsa.q)
hashed_message = int.from_bytes(SHA.new(signed_msg).digest(), byteorder='big')
x = (((s * k) - hashed_message) * modinv(r, public_dsa.q)) % public_dsa.q
if x:
print('Found private key !')
raise Exception('Problem when calculating the private key')

private_dsa = DSA.construct((public_dsa.y, public_dsa.g, public_dsa.p, public_dsa.q, x))
to_sign_hashed = SHA.new(to_sign).digest()
solution = private_dsa.sign(to_sign_hashed, nonce(to_sign, public_dsa.q))
print('Here is the signed message: {}'.format(solution))

Original writeup (https://github.com/JulesDT/ctfWriteUps/tree/master/GreHack%202017/New%20Dsa).