Tags: bot misc discord joy 

Rating: 5.0

To join the channel you need an invite link and a discord account.

You can register to Discord [here](https://discordapp.com).

During CTF it was posted on the [main page](https://tuctf.asciioverflow.com/) of the CTF


In the first version of the task the bot (Mee6) will send you the message:
> @%your_nickname%, Welcome to TUCTF! Please read the rules before posting!
> If you have a question about a challenge, please use @Challenge: ChallengeName to automatically tag the challenge creator!
> And finally, here's your "I'm playing" flag: TUCTF{I’m_Mr_m33seek5_G1V3_M3_th3_fl4g!}
> Thank you for playing TUCTF!


In the second version the flag was in the channel topic, you might have to click it.


# TUCTF{I’m_Mr_m33seek5_G1V3_M3_th3_fl4g!}