Tags: python3
The flag is "encrypted" into the blue channel. Each pixel is made up of `red, green := randint(1,255), randint(1,255)`, with `blue := flag_char * red/256 * green/255 * 10`
`solve.py` simply solves for `c`, picking the most frequent (for all `out*.jpg` observations) occurence, in order to cancel out the random noice from `red` and `green`.
# solve.py
from PIL import Image
# get observations
chars = None
for i in range(1, 101):
img = Image.open("out"+str(i)+".png")
data = img.load()
if not chars:
chars = []
for _ in range(img.width):
for i in range(img.width):
r, g, shit = data[i, 0]
c = (shit / (r/256 * g/256 * 10))
flag = []
# use the most common candidate
for char in chars:
candidates = {}
for c in char:
c = round(c)
if c not in candidates:
candidates[c] = 0
candidates[c] += 1
most_frequent, frequency = None, 0
for candidate, freq in candidates.items():
if freq > frequency:
most_frequent, frequency = candidate, freq
print("".join(list(map(chr, flag))))
Resulting in `"tpctf{i_c4nt_7h1nk_0f_a_fUnny_f14g_:(}"`
# encode.py
cleaned version of `encode.py` (for reference):
import random
from PIL import Image
print(">>", [ord(c) for c in "REDACTED"])
tries = []
for i in range(1, 101):
chars = []
flag = "REDACTED"
img = Image.new("RGB", (len(flag), 1), "white")
data = img.load()
i = 0
for c in flag:
c = ord(c)
r = random.randint(1, 256)
g = random.randint(1, 256)
data[i, 0] = (r, g, round(c*(r/256)*(g/256)*10))
i += 1
chars.append((r, g, round(c*(r/256)*(g/256)*10)))
# img.save("out"+str(i)+".png")
for ch in tries[0]:
r, g, shit = ch
print(chr(int(shit / (r/256 * g/256 * 10))))