Tags: web injection 


# Smart-Y

This challenge was the second most flagged Web challenge of the CTF.

## Description

Last year, a nerd destroyed the system of Robot City by using some evident flaws. It seems that the system has changed and is not as evident to break now.

## Recon

The description evokes a previous challenge from Insomni'hack 2017. We
therefore started by looking for the
[writeup](https://terryvogelsang.tech/insomnihack-2017-nerdwar/) of this
challenge. At this point, it seems likely that the website uses the Smarty
framework - which is confirmed by the name of the challenge - and that the
SQLi as well as the template injection from the previous edition have been

The output of `dirb` indicates that the **smarty** directory exists and contains
the following **changelog.txt** file:

===== 3.1.31 ===== (14.12.2016)
- move template object cache into static variables

The functionality that was vulnerable to SQL injection through the fetch
function before has been deactivated.
However, the display function is still available:

$source = $template;
$mtime = time();

// Smarty configuration
$smarty = new Smarty();
$my_security_policy = new Smarty_Security($smarty);
$my_security_policy->php_functions = null;
$my_security_policy->php_handling = Smarty::PHP_REMOVE;
$my_security_policy->modifiers = array();

$smarty->registerResource('news',new news);
$smarty->display('news:'.(isset($_GET['id']) ? $_GET['id'] : ''));

This version of Smarty is vulnerable to
Unfortunately, we couldn't find any public exploit for it. After digging through
the repository of Smarty, we identified the [commit](https://github.com/smarty-php/smarty/commit/614ad1f8b9b00086efc123e49b7bb8efbfa81b61)
introducing a patch.

The patch is the following:
- $output .= "/* Smarty version " . Smarty::SMARTY_VERSION . ", created on " . strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") .
- "\n from \"" . $_template->source->filepath . "\" */\n\n";
+ $output .= "/* Smarty version {Smarty::SMARTY_VERSION}, created on " . strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") .
+ "\n from \"" . str_replace('*/','* /',$_template->source->filepath) . "\" */\n\n";

The patch prevents the user from closing the comment with `*/`.
Since the website uses a version of Smarty that doesn't contain this patch,
we should be able to **close the comment and inject our own code**.

Let's try it.

## Exploit

We start by listing the root directory by visiting the following URL:

This outputs the following result:
array(28) {
string(1) "."
string(2) ".."
string(3) "bin"
string(4) "boot"
string(3) "dev"
string(3) "etc"
string(4) "flag"
string(4) "home"
string(10) "initrd.img"
string(14) "initrd.img.old"
string(3) "lib"
string(5) "lib64"
string(10) "lost+found"
string(5) "media"
string(3) "mnt"
string(3) "opt"
string(4) "proc"
string(4) "root"
string(3) "run"
string(4) "sbin"
string(4) "snap"
string(3) "srv"
string(3) "sys"
string(3) "tmp"
string(3) "usr"
string(3) "var"
string(7) "vmlinuz"
string(11) "vmlinuz.old"

It worked! Now that we got the path to the flag, all that's left is to
actually print it by visiting:

Aaaand, here's the flag:

**string(26) "INS{why_being_so_smart-y}"**

## Conclusion

Smart-Y was a really nice challenge, which mainly required to carefully read
a patch. Funnily enough, it seems that the patch is not yet available in a
stable Smarty release.

Original writeup (https://inshallhack.org/smarty_insomnihack_teaser_2018/).