# Getting Started:
We're given a link to an archive containing 4 files:
* hint.gif.enc
* rule86.txt
* rule86.txt.enc
* super_cipher.py.enc
Each of these files is included in this the `sample_files` folder in this repo: [Link](./sample_files/)
The only readable file is rule86.txt, but it just contains nonsense.
As stated in the challenge description, the provided `*.enc` files were encrypted with a synchronous stream cipher.
# Stream Ciphers
In a synchronous stream cipher, a key stream is generated with a pseudorandom number generator, and the generated stream of bytes is xored with the message to get the ciphertext.
In this scheme, the PRNG is parameterized by a secret key.
Since we know that `ciphertext = keystream ^ message`, and we know a `ciphertext` and `message` pair (`rule86.txt` and `rule86.txt.enc`), we can calculate part of the keystream by calculating `keystream = ciphertext ^ message`.
One we know part of the keystream, we can decrypt other ciphertexts by just xoring them with the keystream.
# Partial decryption
At this point, we can only decrypt as many bytes of a ciphertext as we have bytes of the keystream (aka the size of `rule86.txt`). Because of this, we can't fully decrypt any of the other files, as they're all too large.
As a start, we decrypted the `super_cipher.py.enc` file to see some of the code that was used for the cipher.
Here is the partially decrypted code:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import sys
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
args = parser.parse_args()
RULE = [86 >> i & 1 for i in range(8)]
N_BYTES = 32
N = 8 * N_BYTES
def next(x):
x = (x & 1) << N+1 | x << 1 | x >> N-1
y = 0
for i in range(N):
y |= RULE[(x >> i) & 7] << i
return y
# Bootstrap the PNRG
keystream = int.from_bytes(args.key.encode(),'little')
for i in range(N//2):
keystream = next(keystream)
# Encrypt / decrypt stdin to stdout
From this code, we know how how the keystream is generated (just repeatedly calling `next` on the previous keystream block), and can thus generate a keystream of whatever length we want using the partial keystream that we recovered:
#read the sample data given to us
txt = open("./sample_files/rule86.txt", "rb").read()
enc = open("./sample_files/rule86.txt.enc", "rb").read()
hint = open("./sample_files/hint.gif.enc", "rb").read()
py_file = open("./sample_files/super_cipher.py.enc", "rb").read()
#xors two byte arrays
def xor(bytes1, bytes2):
return bytearray([(a ^ b) for (a, b) in zip(bytes1, bytes2)])
#gets the first N_BYTES of the keystream that was used to encrypt rule86.txt.enc
def get_base_keystream():
return xor(txt, enc)[0:N_BYTES]
#gets the base keystream that was used, and generates the whole `length` byte keystream that can be used to decrypt
def generate_stream(length):
keystream = get_base_keystream()
curr_int = int.from_bytes(keystream, 'little')
for i in range(ceil(length/N_BYTES) - 1):
curr_int = next(curr_int)
keystream += curr_int.to_bytes(N_BYTES, 'little')
return keystream
#decrypts an array of bytes
def decrypt(input_bytes):
length = len(input_bytes)
keystream = generate_stream(length)
return xor(input_bytes, keystream)
Using this, we were able to fully decrypt each of the encrypted files.
# Now we're done right?
At this point, we looked at the decrypted files, and were disappointed to find that the `hint.gif` did not contain the flag (and super_cipher.py didn't contain any more useful info):
![decrypted hint](images/hint.gif)
From the hint, we could see that the key that was input to bootstrap the "prg" is a flag for the challenge, and so we need to reverse the prg, and walk our way back through the keystream to get what the input key was.
# Reversing the "prg"
From the decrypted code, we could see that the `next` function does the following:
* Takes in a 256 bit input x
* Computes a 257 bit x' such that the first bit of x' is the 256th bit of x, the 257th bit of x' is the 1st bit of x and the remaining 255 bits of x' are x' left shifted by 1.
* Computes a value y, where each bit of y is determined by looking up 3 bits of x' in a table of 0's and 1's.
So in order to reverse this, we did the following:
* For the first bit of a 256 bit input y, determine what possible 3-bit codes of x' could have resulted in that bit of y and store them as possible decodings of y.
* Walk through y one bit at a time, and update the potential values of x' that could have resulted in what we've seen so far in y.
* At the end, look at all of our possibilities for x' and check that they match the following conditions:
* The 257th bit of x' == the 2nd to last bit of x' (both were set to be the first bit of x in `next`)
* The 256th bit of x' == the last bit of x' (both were set to be the 256th bit of x in `next`)
* After recovering the 1 valid possibility for x', undo the bit shifts that were done in `next` to recover the original x.
Here's the code that was written to solve this:
#given in super_cipher.py
RULE = [(86 >> i) & 1 for i in range(8)]
N_BYTES = 32
N = 8 * N_BYTES
# in y = next(x), each 3 bits of x determines 1 bit of y
# use this dictionary to store this relation for reversing this function
dct = {
#y x
"0" : ["000", "011", "101", "111"],
"1" : ["001", "010", "100", "110"]
#takes in an int value of keystream, reverses the "prg" to get the value that came before it
def prev(y):
#turn to bit string of 256 bits
y = "{0:b}".format(y)
y = y.zfill(N)
#the last bit can be decoded as any of the 4 values of x that could have set that bit
possibilities = dct[y[-1]]
#loop in reverse to get all possible values of x that could have created this y
for bit in reversed(y[:-1]):
new_possibilities = []
candidates = dct[bit]
for candidate in candidates:
for possibility in possibilities:
#if the last 2 bits of the candidate match the first two bits of an existing possibility,
#we can just append the first bit of the candidate to the possibility
if candidate[1:] == possibility[:2]:
new_possibilities += [candidate[0] + possibility]
possibilities = new_possibilities
#Do some more checks to see which possibilities are actually valid
real = []
for possibility in possibilities:
#the `next` function takes an input x, and turns it into x' such that the last bit of x' = the first bit of x, and the first bit of x' = the last bit of x
#so check that the values of possibility are valid x' values in this way.
if possibility[0] == possibility[-2]:
if possibility[1] == possibility[-1]:
real += [possibility]
if len(real) != 1:
print("there was an issue :(")
#convert back to an int
x = int(real[0], 2)
#reverse the bit operations done in `next`
#(move the first bit to be the N'th bit, shift the rest of the value to the right by 1)
x = ((x >> 1) & ((2**N) - 1)) | ((x & 1) << (N - 1))
return x
Once we could reverse the `next` function, we took the first keystream block used to encrypt, and reversed the bootstrapping loop to get back the original key:
#we can get part of the key stream by just Xoring together a plaintext and a ciphertext
# C = (M ^ K), so C ^ M = K, which lets us recover the keystream.
partial_keystream = xor(txt, enc)
#the first value of `keystream` used to encrypt the ciphertexts we've been given (the first 256 bits of the partial keystream)
base_key = int.from_bytes(partial_keystream[0:N_BYTES], 'little')
#use prev to reverse the key stream generation to get the original key
curr = base_key
for i in range(N//2):
curr = prev(curr)
print(curr.to_bytes(N_BYTES, 'little'))
And this outputs the key/flag:
The full solution code can be found here: [Link](./sol.py)