Tags: forensics 



Find the transferred file




Let's open `challenge.pcapng` with Wireshark. Obvious, eh? ;)

First we'll do checkStatistics -> Protocol Hierarchy


Ok, we see some HTTP conversations. We can download all the transfered files


This two: `follem.JPG` & `metloof.JPG` seem to be interesting enough


Interesting enough to see the insides with `stegdetect`. `metloof.JPG` have something archived

Lets get the file with `binwalk`


And inside the archive we've found `e2fc7ad1c912c04b0247cb9a710e82cd.txt` with contents `Flag isn't here!`

Ok. Wrong call. Other files that were transfered via HTTP had nothing interesting.

Let's see other conversations in `challenge.pcapng`

Nothin unusual in DNS & NTP, but ICMP looks odd


We can use `tshark` to dump the icmp conversations in a binary format

`tshark -Y "(data.len==2 ) && (icmp.type == 8)" -T fields -r challenge.pcapng -e data | xxd -r -p |xxd -r -p > bin.dat`

The resulting `bin.dat` seems to be an archive, and the file `flag.txt` is inside!


Flag: `hackim18{'51mpL3st_Ch4ll3ng3_s0lv3d'}`


Also you can use [CyberChef](https://gchq.github.io/CyberChef/) to check the binary file

Just put the dumped with `tshark` file and cook it with the right 'recipe'


Original writeup (https://github.com/ambalabanov/writeups/tree/master/nullcomHackIM2018/Misc2).