
# NeverLan CTF 2018: tik-tik-boom

**Category:** Web Exploitation
**Points:** 300


>$$$$$ Correction a Player found a bug can you find it???


## Write-up

In source we have some credentials:


We can set it in cookies. But when in source we have:

>Close, but your timing is off purvesta...

First clue is 'purvesta's time.'

Tanner Purves aka Puvesta is NeverLan CTF Team member:


From his twitter we know He is from Idaho.


We are in Poland, so we have -7 hours to Idaho. If we wait and reload site in right time we get the flag!


We probably also have a bug (see #UPDATE) which allow download source code.

Original writeup (https://github.com/Pwn-Collective/CTF-writeups/tree/master/NeverLan-CTF-2018-writeup/Interweb/tik-tik-boom).