Tags: reversing 

Rating: 4.0


Challenge :

Firstly to be aware of what strings in it I run strings command and check out the flaw. Found that: I see there are two levels of reaching the flag out. In this case let go through: yeah just like what hint said I went to radare2 and analyze the main function..

r2 -d ./rev2_32
[0xf7f79c70]> aaaa #analyze all file
[0xf7f79c70]> pdf@main

Here is first we need to look:

Now take attention over here row:

0x08048546      3dd7110000     cmp eax, 0x11d7
0x0804854b      741e           je 0x804856b

Our first input get compared with 0x11d7. What that mean is in decimal system= 4567 If I do enter random one it'd take me through

0x08048554      6834870408     push str.Sorry__your_guess_of__d_was_incorrect._Try_again

So I pass easily to second level. By that mean is we jump to address 0x804856b. Level 2 question is asked as you can see in the image above. We enter second input/S cuz just like in question it want 2 inputs from us

##But A rule there is ! Firstly both of our inputs get controlled if the both are in between 9<x<99 or not

First input < Second Input. Ok so look what happen next ?

Ok, lets take attention and right input after.

Now look carefully !:

0x080485d4      8b55e8         mov edx, dword [local_18h]
|      ||   0x080485d7      8b45ec         mov eax, dword [local_14h]
|      ||   0x080485da      0fafc2         imul eax, edx
|      ||   0x080485dd      8945f0         mov dword [local_10h], eax
|      ||   0x080485e0      817df0670d00.  cmp dword [local_10h], 0xd67 ; [0xd67:4]=-1 ; 3431
|     ,===< 0x080485e7      741f           je 0x8048608
Our two inputs get multiplied if they are succesful input by the rule. Then get compared to  decimal '3431'

In this case i immediately check which ones are divisor of 3431: sorry not quite well math I have, to solve this in ma mind :D


Congrats, you passed Rev2! The flag is: actf{4567_47_73}
Original writeup (https://github.com/mali44/CTF-Write-ups/blob/master/2018-03-21-angstromctf/rev_2/README.md).