
We start with kebabsto.pcapng, so our first step is to open it in Wireshark.

From TCP stream 5 we see two huge hints:
1) "The name of the file begins with "kd"
2) "they also found a service at mydomainndh.ndh (port 55555) which decrypts every text encrypted with the public key, apart from the interesting one"
## Part 1:
We'll start with #1:
In TCP stream 11 we can see that there is a file being got "GET /kdsqfkpdsdf"

Try to export HTML file:

We save it, and it's a zip file
file kdsqfkpdsdf
kdsqfkpdsdf: Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract

When we unzip it, it's another capture file

file lkdjflknezcz
lkdjflknezcz: tcpdump capture file (little-endian) - version 2.4 (802.11, capture length 65535)

Going through this dump we see it's 802.11 so we can't actually see what the packets are...
We have a full 4 way handshake

and the SSID: "wifiAccess" from packet 761/765... etc.

So let's do some aircrack-ng with the rockyou password list...

aircrack-ng lkdjflknezcz -w ../rockyou.txt
Opening lkdjflknezcz
Read 1358 packets.

# BSSID ESSID Encryption

1 F0:D7:AA:77:BD:46 wifiAccess WPA (1 handshake)

Choosing first network as target.

Opening lkdjflknezcz
Reading packets, please wait...

Aircrack-ng 1.2 rc4

[00:00:00] 612/7120714 keys tested (2478.91 k/s)

Time left: 47 minutes, 53 seconds 0.01%

KEY FOUND! [ abcdefgh ]

Master Key : 46 DE 68 77 59 26 52 28 68 59 E3 E9 27 C2 75 66
77 A0 C0 C2 59 7C B7 6A 52 06 A3 B8 5D 7F 33 29

Transient Key : C8 2A 89 4B 43 93 57 73 35 B7 9E 21 99 8A 5A F2
B6 89 B8 10 F6 AF 77 68 A8 B4 69 E7 30 E4 A7 9B
88 32 93 FF AA B5 8E CE 9E AC 4A 05 05 0C EC BB
37 C9 12 11 5B DA 0C E9 D8 25 02 5E F3 D2 AA 4F

EAPOL HMAC : 76 32 AE BA 65 FD A2 64 BD FD 8E 76 BA 1F B7 84
It found the key very quick!!
So now we go into the 802.11 protocol settings: to add the decryption key:SSID (wifiAccess)

In packet 1292 there's another zip file, save as raw to "slkfdsfljkj"

Tried to unzip and it's asking for a password...
unzip slkfdsfljkj
Archive: slkfdsfljkj
[slkfdsfljkj] slkfdsflj password:

## Part 2
Time to go to #2!
2) "they also found a service at mydomainndh.ndh (port 55555) which decrypts every text encrypted with the public key, apart from the interesting one"
We use follow TCP stream of the FIRST .pcap (kebabsto.pcapng), we see a mail conversation and a file being sent.

In stream 13 we get the file "docs.zip"

It's base64 encdoed ("Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64") I could have also decoded it in wireshark before but this works as well..
base64 -d < doc > docs.zip

unzip docs.zip

we get cipherText and pubkey.pem

The mydomain... is just the url from the challenge page: kebabsto.challs.malice.fr
There was an error in the file, the port is actually 8888 and not 55555

inputted the cipherText and got
Here is the cleartext of your input :

This output is the raw decryted value and the associated plaintext is easily retrievable :

>>> from binascii import unhexlify
>>> unhexlify(str(hex(123360975347216093033775350245751721746535757669936))[2:-1])

After this we just unzip slkfdsfljkj with the password and get the flag:
The flag is : ndh2k18{M4k3M4tr10cHKa9r34T4g41n}

Original writeup (https://github.com/PHSC138/writeups/blob/master/nuidt%20quals/kebabSTO/WRITEUP.md).