Tags: header web accept 


SunshineCTF - Marceau
**Category:** Web

**Points:** 100

##### Description:
Hey my friend tells me that the flag is in this site's source code. Idk how to read that though, lol (🅱️retty lame tbh 😂)


Author: charlton

Hint 2018-04-06 00:20 UTC: There are many different types of MIMEs, but only a handful were truly legendary...

Upon visiting the site we're prompted with the following text:
You specifically want my PHP source. Why did you accept anything else?
They give us two pretty big hints in this text, them being **PHP** and **accept**, from here I assumed we had to manipulate the ``Accept`` header in the request, and it worked! By changing our header to ``Accept: text/php,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8`` it revealed the PHP code along with the flag:
<h3>You specifically want my PHP source. Why did you accept anything else?</h3></marquee>";

Original writeup (https://github.com/notdls/ctf-write-ups/blob/master/SunshineCTF_2018/marceau.md).