Tags: stegano encodeing 


---- Writeup ----
Problem: misc-250-2
Author: Dr.Optix
All rights reserved.
NOTE: my first ever published writeup. it is based on the notes i take while i solve a problem

Hint: Are you kidding me? Character recognition seriously?

I don't know yet but I should do what the hint says, but first I will do basic

filebackdoor.bmpbackdoor.bmp:PCbitmap,Windows3.xformat,400x150x24 exiftool backdoor.bmp
ExifTool Version Number         : 9.46
File Name                       : backdoor.bmp
Directory                       : .
File Size                       : 176 kB
File Modification Date/Time     : 2014:03:22 23:31:41+02:00
File Access Date/Time           : 2014:03:22 23:31:42+02:00
File Inode Change Date/Time     : 2014:03:22 23:31:41+02:00
File Permissions                : rw-rw-r--
File Type                       : BMP
MIME Type                       : image/bmp
Image Width                     : 400
Image Height                    : 150
Planes                          : 1
Bit Depth                       : 24
Compression                     : None
Image Length                    : 180000
Pixels Per Meter X              : 1
Pixels Per Meter Y              : 1
Num Colors                      : Use BitDepth
Num Important Colors            : All
Image Size                      : 400x150

The hexdump shows some out of order pixels, but I don't know yet if that is
helpful or just garbage.

I found some interesting pixels using gimp. It looks like some morse code in
the upper left corner (check pixels-show.bmp).

Converted to morse it is (partial):
- .- .- --.--. - -- - (TAAGGTMT )

That's not really interesting.

I will try binary:
01100010 01100001 01100011


It is binary and I have to code "sdslabs" instead of "backdoor".

01110011 01100100 01110011 01101100 01100001 01100010 01110011

I created login-image.png


I had to use the same backdoor.bmp and only replace the encoded
message. The encoded pixels are not #000000, but #010101

After login I got the next message:

Logged in as sdslabs
Congrats the flag is practice_makes_one_perfect

Final flag:
md5(practice_makes_one_perfect) = c16a3c8504985a8c91956c29f7338184

~ Q.E.D