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Brazilian Thematic CTF, organized by Epic Leet Team members.

Most original and multidisciplinary competition in the world!

CTF events

Pwn2Win CTF 202183.41
Pwn2Win CTF 202063.56
Pwn2Win CTF 201943.00
Pwn2Win CTF 201829.31
Pwn2Win CTF 201729.31
Pwn2Win CTF 201619.90
Related tags: not go logic programming linux fuzzing network reverse engineering shellcode analysis forensics malware analysis engineering social bug-hunting objective-c python c++ secure-coding software engineering c java code-injection network securtity android algorithms embedded javascript web pwn analyze exploitation crytography c pentesting hacking xss sqli learning new things sysadmin penetration arduino networking scans programing nothing sql rust re prograaming smashing node.js mysql crypto windows pwning hardware networks linux exploitation css data structure html exploiting esoteric-language phone lock 1 hexeditor stegano substitution steganography smtp navigator electronics assembly language pickle pwn2win xml x-forwarded-for xml-injection fpga algorithm ppc exploit matrix mega infrastructure maze equation mips haskell rev reversing indonesia writeup rc3ctf #reversing ctf sqlmap exploits reverse cryptanalysis sleeping forensic cryptography kali sha2017ctf bitcoin megan shactf 2017 formatstring aes-ctr padding misc sandbox regex warmup index ret2dlresolve rop ppc-m bufferoverflow graphs path-traversal hql hqli blackbox recon math maths blockchain lsb stego lsb-stego pwntools blind-os-command-injection flask uaf story pwnable bonus miscellaneous polyglot shellcode read risc-v geneticalgorithm pcap revesing des neural adversarial ret2csu blindsql php sqlinjection support number payroll quickbooks powerpc ropchain aes-cbc pw python-exploitation tcache-poisoning tcache obfuscated format-string string-format plt md5 bruteforce hash bot scraping guessing xxe dns format z3 rsa factoring coppersmith memory rootkit freebsd memdump quantum aes pcbc house_of_orange heap glibc2.23 one-time-pad fake_file fmt qr basic qrcode side-channel timing cpu cache wappalyzer redos rsa-crypto trustzone blockcipher optimization e-comm events perl elf twister esolang rce prototype-pollution jit vm neo4j open-redirect deserialization osint github htaccess csrf cctld thunderbird digital-forensics disk-imaging ftkimager emails vba malware powershell virustotal http wireshark xor file_recovery ftp voip pcap2wav cerulean-express just-simulations pod-racing buffer-overflow buffer expert hard asdffsdgfg simic sddd sdasfdfgh development wu binex