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Ho Ho Ho, it's that time of year where many people count down the days to Christmas.

Traditionally, an advent calendar is used which yields one piece of chocolate every day,
but here at OverTheWire, we feel that we can do better than that.
Instead of chocolates, we offer a fresh CTF challenge every day of December until Christmas!

Format: remote, team-based, jeopardy.
Difficulty: intermediate (a couple hours solving time per challenge on average)
Categories: web, re, pwn, crypto, misc
Contact (IRC): #advent @
Contact (Twitter): @OverTheWireCTF

More information as the event comes closer at

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CTF events

OverTheWire Advent Bonanza 20210
OverTheWire Advent Bonanza 201923.06
OverTheWire Advent Bonanza 201823.06
Related tags: networking forensics re stego coding cryptography web pwn crypto network learning php python java exploitation metasploit reverse engineering programming googling androidsecurity social engineering network hacking analysis penetration testing application security data structure algorithms struggle code windows malware os x passcracking slacking reverse javascript pwning security engineering homeland cybersecurity mathematics complaining c++ sql html http mongodb c nodejs assembly recon reversing breaking node.js burpsuite kali pentesting linux partial-recovery coppersmith msb reflection compare lfi path-traversal bitflipping fault paillier pinhole bitshift overflow radare2 angr xss z3 constraint sca side-channel ssti xor formatstringexploiter guessing golang react webpack amp clojure bash polyglot emulation vm unix shell length sha256 git game algorithm hexeditor hash obfuscated bruteforce modular-root rsa prime invert math osint x86 rc4 rev misc srp fun command_injection net ecb hash-length-extension padding restricted-bash ld_preload easteregg linear_algebra binary-exploitation syscall kernel binary pwnable privesc rowhammer binaryexploitation format-string stack_pivot rop arm heap qrcode aztec qr perl cowsay code-injection signature quine shellcode patching keylogger gnuradio sudoku dotnet steganography race condition socket cryptography-rsa cellular aes base64 octal header rot13 tremaux maze bfs keygen midi music morse sdr jit oracle-padding substitution encoding exploit pcap usb wireshark easy ppc gamecube powerpc canary crytpography shift ciphertexts keyboard ruby github