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IrisCTF is a 48-hour Capture the Flag competition organized by IrisSec. IrisCTF takes place the first full weekend of every year online, and features challenges in the disciplines of reverse engineering, binary exploitation, web exploitation, cryptography, radio frequency, networks, forensics, open-source intelligence, and more. IrisCTF is meant to be, above all else, a fun, lighthearted, and educational experience for all.

CTF events

IrisCTF 202534.30
IrisCTF 202424.59
IrisCTF 202324.59
Related tags: trivial welcome networking c perl ssh linux c go programming mobile web hacking network wordpress learning wifi security javascript xss node.js json html csrf engineering reverse server cryptography forensic social fr python french nothing pwn crypto re aarch64 use-after-free uaf libc-2.31 android reversing osint intel leak password hash_cracking cipher pcapng forensics wireshark misc markov turing_machine vm rev reverse_engineering ghidra modular-arithmetic pcap sqli wifi_cracking networks linux_filesystem tls mkv minecraft zlib nbt git maps miscellaneous sql-injection mpv manchester ook easy copy paste pdf basic reverseimagesearch googlemaps webexp sqlinjection dnsrebind medium kernel-module