Sat, 06 Jan. 2024, 00:00 UTC — Mon, 08 Jan. 2024, 00:00 UTC 


IrisCTF event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 34.30 

Rating weight: 24.59 

Event organizers 

IrisCTF is a 48-hour Capture the Flag competition organized by IrisSec. IrisCTF takes place the first full weekend of every year online, and features challenges in the disciplines of reverse engineering, binary exploitation, web exploitation, cryptography, radio frequency, networks, forensics, open-source intelligence, and more. IrisCTF is meant to be, above all else, a fun, lighthearted, and educational experience for all.

IrisCTF 2024 starts at 2024-01-06 (Jan 6, 2024) @ 00:00 UTC and ends at 2024-01-08 (Jan 8, 2024) @ 00:00 UTC. Registration is open at

Prizes sponsored by Trail of Bits, Hack The Box, Art of Problem Solving, and Taskade.
Infra sponsored by


Winners will receive:
- Top 5 teams will each receive 3x commemorative tokens.
- 1st: US$256 cash, first pick in the prize pool.
- 2nd: US$128 cash, second pick in the prize pool.
- 3rd: US$64 cash, third pick in the prize pool.
- 4th: fourth pick in the prize pool.
- 5th: final pick in the prize pool.

Prize pool:
- HackTheBox: 3x 1 Year VIP+ + 3x 1 Month Prolabs
- HackTheBox: 3x 1 Year VIP+
- HackTheBox: 3x 6 Months VIP+
- Art of Problem Solving: 4x US$25 Vouchers
- Taskade: (n)x 3-year Starter Plan Upgrades

We will additionally host a post-event writeup competition where US$20 cash prizes will be rewarded to the top 10 writeups.

Prize fulfillment is on a best-effort basis. We will try our best to fulfill all prizes, but restrictions on some countries may make this difficult to do. For commemorative tokens, we ship based out of the United States and Germany.


1207 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 Project Sekai 14691.00049.180
2 thehackerscrew 12737.00033.614
3 The Flat Network Society 10305.00025.445
4 9774.00022.507
5 Social Engineering Experts 9085.00020.125
6 CyberSpace 7340.00016.384
7 r3kapig 7185.00015.539
8 L3ak 6909.00014.638
9 PwnProphecy 6746.00014.024
10 kalmarunionen 6720.00013.707
11 FR13NDS TEAM 6487.00013.093
12 CyberTaskForce Zero 6479.00012.894
13 idek 6238.00012.333
14 Fruit Ninja (gay) 5580.00011.096
15 BKISC 5133.00010.231
16 Black Bauhinia 4964.0009.846
17 bi0s 4958.0009.745
18 ARESx 4797.0009.395
19 NUSHmallows 4626.0009.037
20 Super Guesser 4615.0008.954
21 Ganesh 4586.0008.847
22 LutaNaRyj 4585.0008.792
23 Ireland without the RE 4577.0008.730
24 FlagMotori 4563.0008.662
25 PBR | UCLA 4456.0008.442
26 BITSkrieg 4369.0008.259
27 S.h.i.c.h.i.b.u.k.a.i 4016.0007.633
28 XA21 4000.0007.573
29 Projectile Dysfunction 3730.0007.091
30 polyg0ts 3685.0006.988
31 Phish Paprikaš 3680.0006.953
32 Tower of Hanoi 3628.0006.841
33 PANMOD 3608.0006.784
34 noreply 3542.0006.652
35 DeadSec 3489.0006.543
36 les amateurs 3456.0006.468
37 TPC 3414.0006.379
38 ByteSmashers 3370.0006.288
39 Akasec 3222.0006.024
40 JordanSec 3206.0005.981
41 team_prpl 3149.0005.871
42 Made in France 3099.0005.773
43 n00bz 2919.0005.458
44 LSE 2884.0005.386
45 5fac4fe25cd7a2392e12a22e448963 2864.0005.340
46 Nop(e) 2817.0005.250
47 TCP1P 2757.0005.138
48 PWNsticciotti 2701.0005.033
49 PwnSec 2565.0004.795
50 Superflat 2547.0004.755
51 WE_0WN_Y0U 2518.0004.697
52 cat :flag_kr: 2490.0004.641
53 OrangeBox 2479.0004.613
54 Nepnep 2464.0004.580
55 asmhole 2434.0004.521
56 Platypwnies 2416.0004.483
57 Cryptonite 2391.0004.433
58 JSoyke 2384.0004.414
59 Flag Poisoning 2324.0004.307
60 AUTOEXEC.BAT 2317.0004.288
61 BeatRoot 2312.0004.273
62 om3ga 2302.0004.250
63 W4ntY0u 2266.0004.183
64 krauq 2182.0004.036
65 CodeVinci 2175.0004.019
66 sillysec 2130.0003.938
67 4n86rakam1 2123.0003.921
68 PIII,N 2109.0003.892
69 Pynard 2052.0003.791
70 Hackasaurus Rex 2007.0003.711
71 capybara_clan 1975.0003.652
72 PIGEON 1963.0003.627
73 mizz onreal fg jilf 1915.0003.542
74 StandinOnBizniz 1887.0003.491
75 hamayanhamayan 1881.0003.476
76 womb_fracture 1876.0003.464
77 Cool Team 1856.0003.426
78 Demon 1820.0003.362
79 MathisHammel 1768.0003.271
80 w__w 1740.0003.220
81 BinaryBlossoms 1656.0003.075
82 Heaven's_Birds 1639.0003.043
83 kevin.mille 1630.0003.025
84 AllgäuerSkriptKinder 1608.0002.984
85 pwnlentoni 1599.0002.966
86 xXxpassword123xXx 1586.0002.941
87 noraneco 1566.0002.904
88 Nightxade 1562.0002.894
89 EggHead 1556.0002.881
90 pshegger-alone 1524.0002.824
91 c00c00r00c00 1523.0002.819
92 she 1515.0002.803
93 KUDoS 1493.0002.763
94 MFGI 1462.0002.709
95 YellowFrogs 1437.0002.664
96 HASHTEAM 1412.0002.620
97 A.k.a.t.s.u.k.i 1397.0002.592
98 EvilBunnyWrote 1360.0002.527
99 CUHK0x 1339.0002.490
100 1nf1n1ty 1339.0002.487
101 RPISEC 1332.0002.473
102 Emu Exploit 1319.0002.449
103 confidor 1314.0002.438
104 KimJongAstrageldon 1269.0002.361
105 WackAttack 1245.0002.318
106 HCS 1245.0002.316
107 Madoka 1236.0002.299
108 ctfclowns 1214.0002.260
109 PPoPL 1201.0002.236
110 Team Space 1165.0002.174
111 UVT-CTF 1135.0002.121
112 die_trying 1130.0002.111
113 P4rad0x 1130.0002.109
114 Weak But Leet 1089.0002.038
115 Yodak 1086.0002.032
116 thefwncrew 1085.0002.028
117 TahSec 1080.0002.018
118 1069.0001.998
119 KLPP 1061.0001.983
120 dcua 1059.0001.977
121 Hackerman 1057.0001.972
122 KCSC 1032.0001.929
123 0xE0F 1017.0001.902
124 pspspsps 1007.0001.884
125 spaghettio regrettio 1002.0001.874
126 sup 1000.0001.869
127 InfoSecIITR 998.0001.864
128 RAM Raiders 995.0001.858
129 CPCSEC 975.0001.823
130 some_team123 969.0001.811
131 SwinSar Hackhawks 957.0001.790
132 cowsay 935.0001.751
133 playing for fun 935.0001.750
134 K&P - Kolbász és Palacsinta 930.0001.740
135 GVAN 928.0001.735
136 ROIS 915.0001.712
137 bobby 915.0001.711
138 pwnterroni 889.0001.666
139 infim 867.0001.628
140 Zense 865.0001.623
141 UT-THS 865.0001.622
142 Norske Nøkkelsnikere 835.0001.571
143 L.A.R.P. 834.0001.568
144 DLC 832.0001.563
145 1753c 827.0001.554
146 NH-L-HG 815.0001.533
147 bug_destroy_us 815.0001.531
148 Cipher Blitz 809.0001.520
149 DragonSec SI 784.0001.477
150 CamelRiders 784.0001.476
151 CiberSecUNI 780.0001.468
152 Scavenger Security 771.0001.452
153 CTF Considered Harmful 767.0001.445
154 allFun 763.0001.437
155 D4ck3n 747.0001.409
156 Katipwnan 747.0001.408
157 Cr4zyF0x 730.0001.379
158 wafer 730.0001.378
159 JumpingCats4000 730.0001.377
160 L0S CH4N3QU3S DE LA IZTACALCO 730.0001.376
161 JHDiscord 717.0001.353
162 Sk4r 709.0001.339
163 stalk 709.0001.338
164 M53 700.0001.322
165 Hack@Sec 697.0001.316
166 lhorbax 685.0001.295
167 feasto 684.0001.292
168 680.0001.285
169 DSGS4T 671.0001.269
170 KerKerYuan 668.0001.263
171 traP 668.0001.262
172 PH4NT0MS 665.0001.256
173 Logic 665.0001.255
174 Real 659.0001.244
175 TH3 H4WK1NS 659.0001.244
176 rigel 659.0001.243
177 paulbryce 654.0001.234
178 GoNx 650.0001.226
179 Prozhack 650.0001.225
180 Nol3ptr 650.0001.225
181 Lab42 647.0001.219
182 TeamCC 646.0001.216
183 Fruity Fellows Force 635.0001.197
184 gespa 630.0001.188
185 LycoReco喫茶店 630.0001.187
186 TU Delft CTF Team 618.0001.167
187 not0rd3rs 617.0001.164
188 M4lw4r3 617.0001.164
189 Sloppy Joe Pirates 615.0001.160
190 hopeyshomemeow 615.0001.159
191 fullenglish 609.0001.148
192 KingPinguino 600.0001.132
193 Huntik 600.0001.132
194 Tzadikim 600.0001.131
195 ivanwong13768 600.0001.130
196 L3v3l 6 600.0001.130
197 Triple Triple 597.0001.124
198 H4SHTEAM 578.0001.092
199 C'estCaenQu'onFlag 568.0001.074
200 Vượng's Vanguard VinUnians 565.0001.069
201 FREE PALESTINE 565.0001.068
202 Pixel Perfect 565.0001.067
203 TheGrossBros 563.0001.063
204 kaashmoneectfteam 559.0001.056
205 P1nkFluffyUn1c0rn5 550.0001.041
206 dinobox 550.0001.040
207 Slaven me lupo 550.0001.039
208 fohf0uuS 550.0001.039
209 HEADSHOT 550.0001.038
210 yudechi 530.0001.004
211 pHackboat 518.0000.984
212 D45kn3ss 517.0000.981
213 Flagsomnia 517.0000.981
214 Ash 515.0000.977
215 4Exp!Prize 500.0000.951
216 KingBonbi 500.0000.951
217 jjroccss 500.0000.950
218 0nePadding 500.0000.950
219 Cyber Club Of Walonnia 500.0000.949
220 The Losers 500.0000.949
221 Wubby7 500.0000.948
222 Slash32 500.0000.948
223 Ng00m4lDhuhr 500.0000.947
224 CCUG 500.0000.947
225 m4lware 500.0000.946
226 ByamB4 500.0000.946
227 laby 500.0000.945
228 sixone 500.0000.945
229 e building esports 500.0000.944
230 The_PhishBits 500.0000.944
231 Catgirl Council 480.0000.910
232 uniguri 471.0000.894
233 J21KFufh 471.0000.894
234 acdwas 467.0000.887
235 89cr3w 450.0000.858
236 OH16 450.0000.857
237 HackClubFERI 450.0000.857
238 Zerotak 450.0000.857
239 AUX 450.0000.856
240 Area 51 450.0000.856
241 Team10 450.0000.855
242 ByteB0unty 450.0000.855
243 Tromsø 450.0000.854
244 La Rootine 450.0000.854
245 jellygoodmyfriend 450.0000.854
246 P01s0n3d_Fl4g 447.0000.848
247 open 435.0000.828
248 R4nd0m B00l5h33t5 G0 430.0000.819
249 IEEEFTW 418.0000.798
250 CyberCox 418.0000.798
251 shokker 417.0000.796
252 Finch 415.0000.792
253 Behind the Curve 415.0000.792
254 powerrangers 400.0000.766
255 SaturnX 400.0000.766
256 rats 400.0000.766
257 NMB unit 6l 400.0000.765
258 TotemicFigure 400.0000.765
259 MrNo0ne 400.0000.764
260 JustBubu 400.0000.764
261 UTL 400.0000.764
262 YMD_HK 400.0000.763
263 Bugs B0unt3r 400.0000.763
264 HLG 400.0000.763
265 Up_0n3_D0wn_7w0 400.0000.762
266 IITBreachers 400.0000.762
267 runasroot 400.0000.762
268 Pink Balloon Underground 400.0000.761
269 花枝 400.0000.761
270 绿叶 400.0000.761
271 PL314D3S 400.0000.760
272 MNIK 400.0000.760
273 NoobMaster9999_team 400.0000.760
274 bra fråga 400.0000.759
275 Minot 400.0000.759
276 GR00T5 400.0000.759
277 ACSCTF 400.0000.758
278 FuckRonGlozman 400.0000.758
279 Contagion 400.0000.758
280 lfjob 400.0000.757
281 stones101gate 400.0000.757
282 r3pka 400.0000.757
283 ALATOO 400.0000.756
284 Last Place Warriors 367.0000.701
285 BackMoon 367.0000.701
286 creepypastabox 367.0000.700
287 kongwu 365.0000.697
288 Crop 365.0000.696
289 Sz4rny 350.0000.671
290 why 350.0000.671
291 Sud03r5 350.0000.670
292 ransoware 350.0000.670
293 0v3rxn4ght 350.0000.670
294 SchizoBoy 350.0000.669
295 Epsilon007 350.0000.669
296 orbital 350.0000.669
297 Chan Kin Tangmo 350.0000.669
298 SPACE 350.0000.668
299 350.0000.668
300 MountainGray 350.0000.668
301 Ice 350.0000.668
302 Imp0ster56 350.0000.667
303 major 350.0000.667
304 JordanShell 350.0000.667
305 pookie 350.0000.666
306 he11o 350.0000.666
307 hnp 350.0000.666
308 QuackHack 350.0000.666
309 nugeldelger 350.0000.665
310 soala gogo 350.0000.665
311 K3DC4N 350.0000.665
312 75 Cyber Wolves 350.0000.665
313 membersArray 350.0000.664
314 theWik 350.0000.664
315 Koneko 350.0000.664
316 CyberCraze 350.0000.664
317 Club Penguin Reloaded 350.0000.663
318 Signal-9 350.0000.663
319 Cyber Billikens 350.0000.663
320 pond 300.0000.579
321 birds are real 300.0000.579
322 ThiccnessInc 300.0000.579
323 Cyb3rG 300.0000.578
324 f11_bots 300.0000.578
325 Cyber-Rookies 300.0000.578
326 299 300.0000.578
327 DanteSinvo 300.0000.577
328 HanChuYao 300.0000.577
329 YunZhao 300.0000.577
330 DMS3C 300.0000.577
331 Checkm4te_ 300.0000.576
332 AreDaYush? 300.0000.576
333 UCC_Ultimate_Chicken_Cuddler 300.0000.576
334 H3x_Blad3 300.0000.576
335 vjz3r 300.0000.576
336 Paolo 300.0000.575
337 kuon 300.0000.575
338 Pwn Intented 300.0000.575
339 TalksAboutWetThings 300.0000.575
340 teammeme 300.0000.574
341 dizhu 300.0000.574
342 CyberCrisis 300.0000.574
343 Nuclear Kernel Core 300.0000.574
344 HOJT 300.0000.574
345 woopdiedoo 300.0000.573
346 GolBytes 300.0000.573
347 No Man's Root 300.0000.573
348 Arena Quaker 300.0000.573
349 Genocybers 300.0000.573
350 charlieFNrogers 300.0000.572
351 RemoteException 300.0000.572
352 whadafug 300.0000.572
353 DaFellas 300.0000.572
354 womp² 300.0000.572
355 creme 300.0000.571
356 wisdom__tooth 300.0000.571
357 h3k3rH41h3k3r 300.0000.571
358 Ph1sh3r M3n 300.0000.571
359 sayonara 300.0000.571
360 LychiLuvr9000 300.0000.570
361 CSI 300.0000.570
362 Bint e Hawa 300.0000.570
363 thestranger 300.0000.570
364 Mafty 300.0000.570
365 XOR 300.0000.570
366 Insomnia 300.0000.569
367 Wricken 300.0000.569
368 Bulbaka 300.0000.569
369 WannaLrn 300.0000.569
370 H4ck_th3_Wh47 300.0000.569
371 Louis276 300.0000.568
372 SpiruMlt 300.0000.568
373 AlphaPwners 300.0000.568
374 onlyme??1 300.0000.568
375 oucssrocks 300.0000.568
376 Super_Hackers 300.0000.568
377 idkhowtoctf 300.0000.567
378 Phaethon 300.0000.567
379 Team-915 300.0000.567
380 rwandi 300.0000.567
381 noobmannn 300.0000.567
382 PorgPwnPlatoon 300.0000.567
383 Solo [Nepal] 300.0000.566
384 \033 300.0000.566
385 CYBER SPECTERS 300.0000.566
386 300.0000.566
387 kibsy 300.0000.566
388 Yellow_orange 300.0000.566
389 5eek3rs 300.0000.565
390 FITSEC 300.0000.565
391 lizard 300.0000.565
392 CLUSTER 300.0000.565
393 PTIT_1nn0c3nt 300.0000.565
394 Cyb3rS3ntinels 300.0000.565
395 Meowlous 300.0000.564
396 GR33N_SQU4D 300.0000.564
397 Else 300.0000.564
398 LosKokots 250.0000.480
399 schlongusteam 250.0000.480
400 BadGateway 250.0000.480
401 Unpr3d1ct4bl3 250.0000.480
402 Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz 250.0000.480
403 我饿了 250.0000.479
404 jinwoopark2202 250.0000.479
405 kong-san plays piano 250.0000.479
406 Phoen0x49x 250.0000.479
407 lukewarmdaisies 250.0000.479
408 abeshinee 250.0000.479
409 Team Perhaps 250.0000.479
410 Firman Alamsyah 250.0000.478
411 $h3ll_Ra1s3rs 250.0000.478
412 BalckRoom 250.0000.478
413 D34DS3C 250.0000.478
414 Nights watch 250.0000.478
415 hello2024 250.0000.478
416 Soker Sangam 250.0000.478
417 th3ho4ds 250.0000.477
418 nhl4000 250.0000.477
419 ri5e 250.0000.477
420 R3d_Kn19h7 250.0000.477
421 SIGAN 250.0000.477
422 TEAM-z 250.0000.477
423 DVCool 250.0000.477
424 seedhe maut 250.0000.476
425 изи птс 250.0000.476
426 K3su4l_H3ck3r 250.0000.476
427 Hack'olyte 250.0000.476
428 SeaHatVN 250.0000.476
429 badsadmad 250.0000.476
430 Valar Dohaeris 250.0000.476
431 Team KALKI 250.0000.476
432 dotb4k 250.0000.475
433 Aoal 250.0000.475
434 duckrice404 250.0000.475
435 potatohackers 250.0000.475
436 DoAndroidsDreamOfElectricSheep 250.0000.475
437 NOVA 250.0000.475
438 AirOverFlow 250.0000.475
439 snick 250.0000.474
440 wire 250.0000.474
441 0day 250.0000.474
442 Pwn-la-Chapelle 250.0000.474
443 Brīvdomataji 250.0000.474
444 DC562 250.0000.474
445 Pheonixes 250.0000.474
446 NooSmile 250.0000.474
447 0dayexploitz 250.0000.473
448 holm 250.0000.473
449 naraba 250.0000.473
450 furry gang :3 250.0000.473
451 BR41NFK 250.0000.473
452 The Gluten Cult 250.0000.473
453 Wueya 250.0000.473
454 Red Badgers 250.0000.473
455 okay 250.0000.472
456 WW 250.0000.472
457 midorino 250.0000.472
458 TImiRUrYSECu 250.0000.472
459 Wut? 250.0000.472
460 Bagchasers 250.0000.472
461 HUhak 250.0000.472
462 TK.STEVE 250.0000.472
463 cr 250.0000.472
464 moutian 250.0000.471
465 1rLL1h 250.0000.471
466 5p0r7 250.0000.471
467 HackDisciple 250.0000.471
468 Wired Ghost 250.0000.471
469 Clipse team 250.0000.471
470 hackyourmom 250.0000.471
471 K0TN 250.0000.471
472 phishing lvls? 250.0000.471
473 Bananas in Pyjamas 250.0000.470
474 OnlyFeet 250.0000.470
475 5w0rd 250.0000.470
476 Zafk1el 250.0000.470
477 superbeginner 250.0000.470
478 Phr34k$ 250.0000.470
479 2amResearch 250.0000.470
480 ShadowWalker87 250.0000.470
481 Rocket Rooks 250.0000.470
482 Fuzzy Goldfish 250.0000.469
483 EvilOysters 250.0000.469
484 WhatTheFuzz 250.0000.469
485 TheRocketeers 250.0000.469
486 kekwpwn 250.0000.469
487 5oo5 250.0000.469
488 0Ut51D3rS 250.0000.469
489 FirewallPhantom 250.0000.469
490 01 218.0000.415
491 SecFault 200.0000.385
492 realansgar 200.0000.385
493 petriQore 200.0000.385
494 CJDL 200.0000.385
495 zero 200.0000.384
496 DailyCTF 200.0000.384
497 Keysight CTF Crew 200.0000.384
498 Kxzz 200.0000.384
499 DoriKyll 200.0000.384
500 Yooply 200.0000.384
501 Cyber Peanuts 200.0000.384
502 RU3T_Brain_interceptor 200.0000.384
503 剑来 200.0000.384
504 CyFi 200.0000.384
505 Untitled CTF Game 200.0000.383
506 x999 200.0000.383
507 the_end 200.0000.383
508 pacami 200.0000.383
509 USC CyCo 200.0000.383
510 Slt3brgr 200.0000.383
511 Z3R0_D4Y 200.0000.383
512 N0oBs 200.0000.383
513 __xor__ 200.0000.383
514 tunaloops 200.0000.383
515 hiu 200.0000.383
516 test123 200.0000.382
517 RE&BO 200.0000.382
518 алё 200.0000.382
519 r3d_pand4s 200.0000.382
520 CRUSADERS 200.0000.382
521 National Pwning Agency 200.0000.382
522 hoshiyomi 200.0000.382
523 esipesi 200.0000.382
524 0d8 200.0000.382
525 hexTeam 200.0000.382
526 h4x0rl33tx 200.0000.382
527 3rror_Genocide 200.0000.381
528 @es 200.0000.381
529 JAcK 200.0000.381
530 AssnDarkX 200.0000.381
531 Martial_Law_Enforcer 200.0000.381
532 g3r4rdop 200.0000.381
533 Fetlla Hackers 200.0000.381
534 Raatnoo 200.0000.381
535 Adolphus 200.0000.381
536 be_free_after_work 200.0000.381
537 Salom 200.0000.381
538 punk5n0td34d 200.0000.380
539 eastwoodwestwood 200.0000.380
540 Team@Myanmar 200.0000.380
541 Eng1n33r5 200.0000.380
542 0xAkatsuki 200.0000.380
543 R007P1r4735 200.0000.380
544 ctf? 200.0000.380
545 Elliop 200.0000.380
546 ResetSec 200.0000.380
547 leosec 200.0000.380
548 cyberturtle 200.0000.380
549 metagoofil 200.0000.380
550 Revolt Zero 200.0000.379
551 bad_cat 200.0000.379
552 sk1d_s3c 200.0000.379
553 Onion 200.0000.379
554 b2brt 200.0000.379
555 anti_1337 200.0000.379
556 Kale_Chips 200.0000.379
557 Duck Dynasty 200.0000.379
558 K4CTF 200.0000.379
559 bmstu_bears 200.0000.379
560 BHIF 200.0000.379
561 Sunny 200.0000.379
562 hakx 200.0000.379
563 meee :333 200.0000.378
564 one-shot 200.0000.378
565 TheKillerremijn 200.0000.378
566 0xECE 200.0000.378
567 l'ekipDesZozo 200.0000.378
568 noobsRus 200.0000.378
569 Finger Injection 200.0000.378
570 mukuTopG 200.0000.378
571 BigFi'Hack 200.0000.378
572 we_are_offensive 200.0000.378
573 flag{h4cK3r_H0MiE$} 200.0000.378
574 Abdul Alim Shakir 200.0000.378
575 tiny 200.0000.378
576 bdhxgrp 200.0000.377
577 Fl4g_HUntEr5 200.0000.377
578 svl 200.0000.377
579 *T-1-T* 200.0000.377
580 NANI 200.0000.377
581 Zlick3r 200.0000.377
582 infoxelec 200.0000.377
583 wibiz 200.0000.377
584 TCTN 200.0000.377
585 D@3m0nN_k1lleR5 200.0000.377
586 root.txt 200.0000.377
587 GanSw 200.0000.377
588 KXTI_GG 200.0000.377
589 krypton 200.0000.377
590 p1r4t35 0f w38 200.0000.376
591 TSXK 200.0000.376
592 ENSO 200.0000.376
593 k4g3 200.0000.376
594 HyperNova 200.0000.376
595 HQ 200.0000.376
596 pwnini 200.0000.376
597 WoLu 200.0000.376
598 NTA 200.0000.376
599 Hacksperience 200.0000.376
600 pazam 200.0000.376
601 shadows 200.0000.376
602 $MN43$ 200.0000.376
603 UngaBunga 200.0000.376
604 SachenMachen 200.0000.375
605 The tourists 200.0000.375
606 fhackyou 200.0000.375
607 adhoc 200.0000.375
608 WestBulls 200.0000.375
609 hackakey 168.0000.322
610 ballsman 167.0000.320
611 cj101 167.0000.320
612 3N16M4Z 150.0000.291
613 rocks 150.0000.291
614 Bongos 150.0000.291
615 Siber Opat 150.0000.291
616 <OOO> 150.0000.291
617 thefrig 150.0000.291
618 RATF{Rage Against The Flag} 150.0000.291
619 Code Enjoyers 150.0000.291
620 Stack 150.0000.291
621 Élan 150.0000.291
622 MK37 150.0000.291
623 nofleg 150.0000.291
624 clancy 150.0000.290
625 WeAre 150.0000.290
626 BangkokLadyBois 150.0000.290
627 daothneusd 150.0000.290
628 scoffsec 150.0000.290
629 PracticeTeam 150.0000.290
630 echobear 150.0000.290
631 asXXra 150.0000.290
632 b1n4ry br1g4d35 150.0000.290
633 Honeypot 150.0000.290
634 1_ju57_wan7_7o_7ry 150.0000.290
635 X3eRo0 150.0000.290
636 gluten? 150.0000.290
637 h4cq3r 150.0000.290
638 G.0.4.7 150.0000.290
639 root_tornadoes 150.0000.290
640 FB 150.0000.289
641 Cyber0ids 150.0000.289
642 TheSillies 150.0000.289
643 ProdigyAttacks 150.0000.289
644 1D0ntKn0w 150.0000.289
645 TiangBendera 150.0000.289
646 happyWeekend 150.0000.289
647 0h-n0-dunn0 150.0000.289
648 h4ck0r 150.0000.289
649 000 150.0000.289
650 Avenger_team 150.0000.289
651 Ahisec 150.0000.289
652 whydontyoudoyourbest 150.0000.289
653 legendarysec2023 150.0000.289
654 idk 150.0000.289
655 reb3l 150.0000.289
656 hehe 150.0000.289
657 S3NTINELS 150.0000.288
658 TBHs 150.0000.288
659 GatorBaiters 150.0000.288
660 BITS-SOS 150.0000.288
661 Touristo 150.0000.288
662 just1guy 150.0000.288
663 AtlasPy 150.0000.288
664 JusticeSociety 150.0000.288
665 B0XB0X 150.0000.288
666 Midnight Rebels 150.0000.288
667 rentdome 150.0000.288
668 k4rth1k 150.0000.288
669 Twix 150.0000.288
670 IITDelhians 150.0000.288
671 sayonara capt shani 150.0000.288
672 M57 150.0000.288
673 HacxorGuys1337 150.0000.288
674 whysoserious 150.0000.288
675 ancd 150.0000.288
676 alpukat kocok 150.0000.287
677 DegenerationB 150.0000.287
678 AsaWaffles 150.0000.287
679 pawd3red 150.0000.287
680 myst3r10us 150.0000.287
681 W4phty 150.0000.287
682 D'jajHack 150.0000.287
683 krn 150.0000.287
684 mols 150.0000.287
685 hell() 150.0000.287
686 BlueCastle12 150.0000.287
687 JAK1 150.0000.287
688 OutLaws 150.0000.287
689 Cookie Busters 150.0000.287
690 Rattat'hack 150.0000.287
691 Hidden Investigations 150.0000.287
692 0xDFIR 150.0000.287
693 S3cj0y 150.0000.287
694 Securani 150.0000.287
695 Sol0warmup0nly 150.0000.286
696 CryptoMoon 150.0000.286
697 RedT4ng1e 150.0000.286
698 ElChals 150.0000.286
699 meilz 150.0000.286
700 sakr 150.0000.286
701 th3rm4l 150.0000.286
702 bf0rce 150.0000.286
703 cornered_tiger 150.0000.286
704 huh 150.0000.286
705 Mr.robots 150.0000.286
706 Cla55N0tF0und 150.0000.286
707 zzsla 150.0000.286
708 Squard_417 150.0000.286
709 Z0k3r 150.0000.286
710 Enes3078 150.0000.286
711 wwicys 150.0000.286
712 Pho3nix 150.0000.286
713 ^__Death_Ray__^-->💀 150.0000.286
714 OstrichLab 150.0000.286
715 Password@1230 150.0000.285
716 ANONYMOUS 150.0000.285
717 superhans 150.0000.285
718 Hecării, Țuica și Păunii 150.0000.285
719 hackDZ 150.0000.285
720 maddyman 150.0000.285
721 l4ndm4rk 150.0000.285
722 mango 150.0000.285
723 wgpsec 150.0000.285
724 dystopian 150.0000.285
725 Akatsuki 150.0000.285
726 r4v3n 150.0000.285
727 ErdosAmphetamineAddiction 150.0000.285
728 c00kies@venice 150.0000.285
729 test 150.0000.285
730 BlackGeeks 150.0000.285
731 meel0wx 150.0000.285
732 Destructive Crackers 150.0000.285
733 Shine 150.0000.285
734 Ha3 150.0000.285
735 SatTeam5 150.0000.285
736 OmniHacker 150.0000.284
737 pwners 150.0000.284
738 MYDE 150.0000.284
739 where is my shell 150.0000.284
740 fasdfa 150.0000.284
741 deadc0de 150.0000.284
742 ThunderKatz 150.0000.284
743 CyberPatriot 150.0000.284
744 hibiki_______ 150.0000.284
745 seed 150.0000.284
746 Jcredstudios 150.0000.284
747 PwnIntended 150.0000.284
748 killswitch 150.0000.284
749 pyr0 150.0000.284
750 ATeam 150.0000.284
751 P1K4CHU 150.0000.284
752 _gh0st_ 150.0000.284
753 EGGGM 150.0000.284
754 D1g174l_F0rtr355 150.0000.284
755 HalakHita 150.0000.284
756 (1) 150.0000.284
757 Bits & Pieces 150.0000.284
758 s0lv3r 150.0000.284
759 missn 150.0000.283
760 TopWing 150.0000.283
761 origin@space-time 150.0000.283
762 hongism 150.0000.283
763 3mk 150.0000.283
764 Whitecrow 150.0000.283
765 K1mCh1W@rr10r 150.0000.283
766 wellgiao 150.0000.283
767 Slayers 150.0000.283
768 k0kos 150.0000.283
769 YCF 150.0000.283
770 Ba0 150.0000.283
771 Fl4g Sm4sher 150.0000.283
772 Ibeee 150.0000.283
773 BKO 150.0000.283
774 Claude Monet 150.0000.283
775 n0r4n9_70n9d4k 150.0000.283
776 R3verseado 150.0000.283
777 3BASH 150.0000.283
778 Wolves 150.0000.283
779 DishaSolo 150.0000.283
780 happySu 150.0000.283
781 BrilliantDeviation7 150.0000.283
782 apetro 150.0000.283
783 HEX_XOCKET 150.0000.282
784 hackboro 150.0000.282
785 sabi9wala7i9 150.0000.282
786 0x4d49534368617566656e 150.0000.282
787 justme 150.0000.282
788 0.o 118.0000.229
789 t3kn0isn0td3aD 100.0000.199
790 ph03n1x 100.0000.199
791 Muppet Liberation Front 100.0000.198
792 cbr 100.0000.198
793 kurapika 100.0000.198
794 lainlain 100.0000.198
795 Thismustbetheplace 100.0000.198
796 APT202 100.0000.198
797 Purpleiron 100.0000.198
798 r4a 100.0000.198
799 Xyz 100.0000.198
800 Reloaded 100.0000.198
801 CSUC 100.0000.198
802 1j4ru. 100.0000.198
803 MyWorld 100.0000.198
804 Seadyot 100.0000.198
805 garfieldLasagnaMonday 100.0000.198
806 n00b hack3r 100.0000.198
807 Vale dos Fitons 100.0000.198
808 horribleatctf 100.0000.198
809 kaskrotat twazzaaa 100.0000.198
810 DreamMoon 100.0000.198
811 PFS 100.0000.198
812 W7W7 100.0000.198
813 我的芙芙捏 100.0000.198
814 Hekcet 100.0000.198
815 winner 100.0000.198
816 kgrzk2024 100.0000.198
817 Red Tuxedo 100.0000.197
818 McPayl0ad 100.0000.197
819 Cra$hersCave 100.0000.197
820 x1ul@n 100.0000.197
821 FlaggnGoose 100.0000.197
822 anti_siber 100.0000.197
823 Daiei-toshokan 100.0000.197
824 Ixbixbam 100.0000.197
825 G9NT 100.0000.197
826 afcoc 100.0000.197
827 FhH4ck3rs 100.0000.197
828 HitoriBotchi 100.0000.197
829 TeamSCA 100.0000.197
830 Abai 100.0000.197
831 zzzmilky 100.0000.197
832 DQR64 100.0000.197
833 r00tp0t 100.0000.197
834 Seals 100.0000.197
835 ss 100.0000.197
836 Arcturus_ 100.0000.197
837 NG Warriors 100.0000.197
838 dekdoi 100.0000.197
839 CyberDreamTeam24 100.0000.197
840 c00k 100.0000.197
841 sudo 100.0000.197
842 0xZeta 100.0000.197
843 a123 100.0000.197
844 MECA 100.0000.197
845 W1ll13 100.0000.196
846 FlagSeekers 100.0000.196
847 Bowboomers 100.0000.196
848 5upernova 100.0000.196
849 cheez's team 100.0000.196
850 n4s1l3m4kb3st 100.0000.196
851 algernoner 100.0000.196
852 QWE!# 100.0000.196
853 24 100.0000.196
854 Wh1t3T1g3r$ 100.0000.196
855 r00t 100.0000.196
856 TH007 100.0000.196
857 ShadowGarden 100.0000.196
858 Hash Cracking Slasher 100.0000.196
859 ElectronStar 100.0000.196
860 PwnHub 100.0000.196
861 K33P_Qu!34 100.0000.196
862 Knightss 100.0000.196
863 我的鸡巴超级大 100.0000.196
864 Agent$ 777 100.0000.196
865 iAppSecure 100.0000.196
866 waniu 100.0000.196
867 NewCrypto 100.0000.196
868 sudhanlee 100.0000.196
869 16j 100.0000.196
870 nusa_kakasi 100.0000.196
871 sh4d0w 100.0000.196
872 ok 100.0000.196
873 xmmlaz 100.0000.196
874 VwwzMQAEn44SSX 100.0000.196
875 None 100.0000.195
876 R007U53R5 100.0000.195
877 l4vender 100.0000.195
878 vovsing 100.0000.195
879 Exponential 100.0000.195
880 Shaktimaan 100.0000.195
881 向前冲 100.0000.195
882 JackTheBox 100.0000.195
883 Panellus 100.0000.195
884 oneManCrypto 100.0000.195
885 iami233 100.0000.195
886 Fetlla H3ckers 100.0000.195
887 Test12345 100.0000.195
888 CYB3RBULL1ES 100.0000.195
889 couscous 100.0000.195
890 nu11z 100.0000.195
891 sukakuki 100.0000.195
892 Dark_Matter 100.0000.195
893 InSecML 100.0000.195
894 kosa&dwale 100.0000.195
895 Cokayne 100.0000.195
896 Akam 100.0000.195
897 trapwire 100.0000.195
898 MalwareMage 100.0000.195
899 isakfk 100.0000.195
900 Senkin0 100.0000.195
901 asdf 100.0000.195
902 Fsocit3 100.0000.195
903 Hb7d7hzWrG5b9Z@ 100.0000.195
904 jnoDestiny 100.0000.195
905 Diztend 100.0000.195
906 suriryuk 100.0000.195
907 123 100.0000.194
908 shensir 100.0000.194
909 Fl@g P!rat3s 100.0000.194
910 LaxmanB 100.0000.194
911 Ciallo~(∠・ω< )⌒☆ 100.0000.194
912 dhruwen 100.0000.194
913 heckers 100.0000.194
914 AngelCityElite 100.0000.194
915 Hack8@1s 100.0000.194
916 vdqt666 100.0000.194
917 r0jan 100.0000.194
918 CrckSec 100.0000.194
919 s1gmaz 100.0000.194
920 asdggha 100.0000.194
921 dariajestsuper 100.0000.194
922 Bacteria 100.0000.194
923 HackerMeaw 100.0000.194
924 AtlasHackers 100.0000.194
925 hs 100.0000.194
926 nw 100.0000.194
927 Einstein 100.0000.194
928 Chromosome Overflow 100.0000.194
929 HackerTeam 100.0000.194
930 Al3x2 100.0000.194
931 |3r0th3r CC 100.0000.194
932 Hon3y B4dg3r 100.0000.194
933 Ben w00dburn 100.0000.194
934 37h1k4L_Gang 100.0000.194
935 The Symphony 100.0000.194
936 one 100.0000.194
937 ?mason? 100.0000.194
938 GGWPs 100.0000.194
939 Alexius 100.0000.194
940 thelax 100.0000.194
941 Dharmendra_Tomar_Anneya 100.0000.194
942 Hitsu 100.0000.193
943 PEEOHSEE 100.0000.193
944 akatsuk1 100.0000.193
945 Shovach 100.0000.193
946 butterfly 100.0000.193
947 kafteji 100.0000.193
948 Antrum 100.0000.193
949 M3N 1N BL4cK 100.0000.193
950 H20 100.0000.193
951 NitroZox 100.0000.193
952 hACK 100.0000.193
953 dolphins 100.0000.193
954 virahnene 100.0000.193
955 100.0000.193
956 gehenna 100.0000.193
957 skibidydoo 100.0000.193
958 NothingButNet 100.0000.193
959 deathphish 100.0000.193
960 q8%ab:.tgkGQS+4 100.0000.193
961 Decoy 100.0000.193
962 The Ninth House 100.0000.193
963 _cryogenics_ 100.0000.193
964 break 100.0000.193
965 Pwnersh3ll 100.0000.193
966 CocoTeam 100.0000.193
967 theNewTeam 100.0000.193
968 snova 100.0000.193
969 Dhackteam 100.0000.193
970 Uselessbian 100.0000.193
971 bsweat 100.0000.193
972 XXAA 100.0000.193
973 celestial 100.0000.193
974 PolyETSUdeM 100.0000.193
975 fant9sy\x00 100.0000.193
976 Practice 100.0000.193
977 MrRobot 100.0000.193
978 password 100.0000.193
979 WhoCares? 100.0000.192
980 Zephyr 100.0000.192
981 ahengers 100.0000.192
982 TeamA 100.0000.192
983 doom08 100.0000.192
984 0xkn1gh7 100.0000.192
985 jok 100.0000.192
986 VNXX 100.0000.192
987 silent 100.0000.192
988 idys 100.0000.192
989 Co4ch Coaches Coding 100.0000.192
990 abcd 100.0000.192
991 shuiyouteam 100.0000.192
992 Scientia Potentia Est 100.0000.192
993 K1r4 100.0000.192
994 .123123 100.0000.192
995 happy 100.0000.192
996 Hackaholics 100.0000.192
997 BranMan 100.0000.192
998 fzhshzh 100.0000.192
999 n00bzUnit3d 100.0000.192
1000 ILoveYouBaby 100.0000.192
1001 justlel 100.0000.192
1002 AQtest 100.0000.192
1003 guy 100.0000.192
1004 HxH 100.0000.192
1005 OnlyOneQQ 100.0000.192
1006 afarin2 100.0000.192
1007 0xNerd 100.0000.192
1008 grzybek 100.0000.192
1009 TestAccount123 100.0000.192
1010 jtesting 100.0000.192
1011 SDN249 100.0000.192
1012 Kode 100.0000.192
1013 Havanas.Mensch 100.0000.192
1014 inspect 100.0000.192
1015 shades_of_dark 100.0000.192
1016 metempsych0sis 100.0000.192
1017 Astral 100.0000.192
1018 Marlin__dr 100.0000.192
1019 Ucha_CTF2 100.0000.192
1020 h4ckx0r5 100.0000.191
1021 5cr1ptK1dd135 100.0000.191
1022 Sadx 100.0000.191
1023 raii 100.0000.191
1024 Solo Leveling 100.0000.191
1025 small 100.0000.191
1026 Pouls Friends 100.0000.191
1027 asdfjk1l3r 100.0000.191
1028 qaz 100.0000.191
1029 aslide 100.0000.191
1030 suplex07_solo 50.0000.108
1031 Kwmos 50.0000.108
1032 meeribeeri 50.0000.108
1033 Midngiht WaraB 50.0000.107
1034 sars 50.0000.107
1035 P1ng 50.0000.107
1036 OnlyPwns 50.0000.107
1037 OZ1 50.0000.107
1038 ctfctf 50.0000.107
1039 0xCyberSoldiers 50.0000.107
1040 ttyusb 50.0000.107
1041 Gamefun 50.0000.107
1042 x03 50.0000.107
1043 Saen0zu 50.0000.107
1044 hhhkb 50.0000.107
1045 Carz 50.0000.107
1046 md5 50.0000.107
1047 Jl8ud@da6 50.0000.107
1048 anon 50.0000.107
1049 Chrompick 50.0000.107
1050 111 50.0000.107
1051 Arr3stY0u 50.0000.107
1052 Blizzard Busters 50.0000.107
1053 Daaahj 50.0000.107
1054 Just4Fun 50.0000.107
1055 NoWomanNoCry 50.0000.107
1056 xyq 50.0000.107
1057 NULL 50.0000.107
1058 nnatuan 50.0000.107
1059 scylloid 50.0000.107
1060 alkali 50.0000.107
1061 666 50.0000.107
1062 huddybuddy 50.0000.107
1063 MongolianEmpire1 50.0000.107
1064 P1ggy 50.0000.107
1065 BMSTM 50.0000.107
1066 j7w1 50.0000.107
1067 blue90915 50.0000.107
1068 lio 50.0000.107
1069 JustRun 50.0000.107
1070 DaHomies 50.0000.107
1071 Amogus 50.0000.107
1072 __x 50.0000.107
1073 aspogjsapodgj 50.0000.107
1074 sokoly 50.0000.107
1075 Stains 50.0000.107
1076 ho_meow_ner 50.0000.107
1077 N3wb1e_t0_Di5 50.0000.107
1078 aldose 50.0000.107
1079 Team null 50.0000.106
1080 kali 50.0000.106
1081 suki 50.0000.106
1082 ChiLL Chain 50.0000.106
1083 Salmon 50.0000.106
1084 The streem 50.0000.106
1085 LITF 50.0000.106
1086 X@k3R v R3k@X 50.0000.106
1087 fr3sh 50.0000.106
1088 Team Spiryt 50.0000.106
1089 abcxyz 50.0000.106
1090 jt00 50.0000.106
1091 Hello World 50.0000.106
1092 LetsExploit 50.0000.106
1093 FnQ 50.0000.106
1094 BBu95 50.0000.106
1095 what 50.0000.106
1096 suds4131 50.0000.106
1097 Z3Ro 50.0000.106
1098 ghostuncle 50.0000.106
1099 ensao 50.0000.106
1100 N4rut0 50.0000.106
1101 dfds 50.0000.106
1102 Les irrégulier de BakerStreet 50.0000.106
1103 Justice League 50.0000.106
1104 U91y_K0R3_2n 50.0000.106
1105 ggTeam 50.0000.106
1106 13phoenix 50.0000.106
1107 Q1 50.0000.106
1108 jibopa3266 50.0000.106
1109 xxx 50.0000.106
1110 c00c00 50.0000.106
1111 wangyuan1234 50.0000.106
1112 noteam:( 50.0000.106
1113 joyuriz 50.0000.106
1114 qwe 50.0000.106
1115 Ezhkins_soup! 50.0000.106
1116 Lilaccadet 50.0000.106
1117 keeper07 50.0000.106
1118 k0rian 50.0000.106
1119 JustHack 50.0000.106
1120 Capitan 50.0000.106
1121 xx 50.0000.106
1122 Htw 50.0000.106
1123 not funny 50.0000.106
1124 Souvlakia 50.0000.106
1125 assurdox 50.0000.106
1126 lazyptr 50.0000.106
1127 vanatka 50.0000.106
1128 miaw 50.0000.105
1129 zar 50.0000.105
1130 oMAcS 50.0000.105
1131 lexsd6 50.0000.105
1132 honza 50.0000.105
1133 DU4L 50.0000.105
1134 p@$$1r1$c 50.0000.105
1135 ter 50.0000.105
1136 stayrion 50.0000.105
1137 kaller 50.0000.105
1138 ELF Binary 50.0000.105
1139 skill_issue 50.0000.105
1140 datavold 50.0000.105
1141 Monster 50.0000.105
1142 lkjaisovergjifds 50.0000.105
1143 hunterrrr 50.0000.105
1144 teeman22 50.0000.105
1145 kava bar strobe party 50.0000.105
1146 DiamondHero 50.0000.105
1147 0xCCTF 50.0000.105
1148 semo 50.0000.105
1149 T4ng0_t34m 50.0000.105
1150 gg1666 50.0000.105
1151 team2123 50.0000.105
1152 Jack of all Trades 50.0000.105
1153 secsalem 50.0000.105
1154 v1k!ngs 50.0000.105
1155 4vertka 50.0000.105
1156 time2pwn 50.0000.105
1157 strange_uncle 50.0000.105
1158 PeanutButter.jar 50.0000.105
1159 Hecho 50.0000.105
1160 oOo 50.0000.105
1161 qqq 50.0000.105
1162 HomeBrew 50.0000.105
1163 noname 50.0000.105
1164 ag3n75 50.0000.105
1165 f12hecker 50.0000.105
1166 errmis 50.0000.105
1167 nyaaa 50.0000.105
1168 BHIF97 50.0000.105
1169 z221x 50.0000.105
1170 kakers 50.0000.105
1171 dol037 50.0000.105
1172 ch3cke 50.0000.105
1173 nonone 50.0000.105
1174 Cake1salie 50.0000.105
1175 Terra 50.0000.105
1176 Zima 50.0000.105
1177 asdfsu 50.0000.105
1178 tangkaixing 50.0000.105
1179 anton32 50.0000.105
1180 d4rkn19ht 50.0000.105
1181 __zEm0__ 50.0000.105
1182 粤韵风华 50.0000.104
1183 TeamName 50.0000.104
1184 dididada 50.0000.104
1185 VikasGola 50.0000.104
1186 Nandeesh 50.0000.104
1187 hsay 50.0000.104
1188 Cooper 50.0000.104
1189 mr3nx 50.0000.104
1190 Team_m0rt!s 50.0000.104
1191 pure 50.0000.104
1192 Abdullah Farid 50.0000.104
1193 IndoUnity 50.0000.104
1194 m0wn1ka 50.0000.104
1195 Kaiserschmarrn 50.0000.104
1196 teamss33 50.0000.104
1197 yuanshengaoshou 50.0000.104
1198 setosa 50.0000.104
1199 snag 50.0000.104
1200 Cancelled 50.0000.104
1201 gigi 50.0000.104
1202 AccessDenied 50.0000.104
1203 dkwjdbfb 50.0000.104
1204 Hello there 50.0000.104
1205 Procrastination Party 50.0000.104
1206 Ucha_CTF 50.0000.104
1207 jsadhjasdhbki 50.0000.052
BobbedBobJan. 7, 2024, 6:44 a.m.

fun event !!!

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