Voting ended at: Jan. 15, 2024, midnight

Weight after voting: 34.30 / 36.885

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


30 Minei3oat Good and interesting challenges

36 staccah_staccah Nice CTF

36 staccah_staccah Nice CTF

36 subfear A lot of challenges of all kind of flavors. Organizers did a lot of work. Good for beginners that we had 48 hours.

30 vtopan interesting challenges, pretty hard

36 lepop most challenges were pretty hard, but the quality was high overall

36 ashiri Fantastic challenges. A good mix of RF challenges that are rare to see in CTFs. Good infra, good support.

36 Aftalik very hard

19 smakarevich09 Here

36 nisaruj Good CTF!

36 D0pp3lgang3r nice CTF :)

36 chiko360 good

36 d33znu75 wa

36 ctfguy good ctf

35 p0l1h good challenges! thanks for the organizers

36 wx0rx hihi

36 es3n1n ???

34 crazyman nice

36 Shadowwws good

36 mza7a very interesting challenge !!

36 ElvisBlue Nice challenges

30 _bl4de Good challenges!

36 bliutech Lot's of really interesting challenges! A great 2nd year for IrisCTF!

36 krauq good challenges and friendly hosts, nice way to start the year

36 voxal great challenges loved it

36 mathis.hammel Very high challenge quality in cryptography, looking forward to playing again next year.

36 c99 very interesting ctf

36 suvoni good ctf

36 TheDeadBeef excellent CTF

36 ipaljak Great CTF, good quality

36 nightxade awesome ctf! integral communication was fun :)

36 CyberFatherRT Pretty fun ctf, with unusual tasks

36 It3rator_I_bar3ly_know_h3r super fun, good challenge

36 Mar13 rea11y h4rd

36 RJCyber cool challs (especially loved the forensics and RF)

20 WhaleEye a really fun event and learnt a lot from it.