Mon, 13 May 2024, 10:00 UTC — Sun, 19 May 2024, 22:00 UTC
A openECSC - CybersecNatLab event.
Format: Jeopardy
Official URL:
This event is limited to individual participation! No global rating points.
This event lasts more than 5 days! No global rating points.
Event organizersopenECSC is a cybersecurity competition open to everyone that invites enthusiasts to participate without any kind of limitations. Launched in 2022 as an extension of the European Cybersecurity Challenge, it aims to broaden participation beyond traditional age and nationality restrictions, featuring a series of jeopardy-style CTF competition rounds culminating in a 24-hour final round in 2024. All the information and details about the competition can be found in the rules page on the website.
Prizes for round 3 are the following:
- First place winner is invited to come to the ECSC Grand Finals in October 2024, in Italy. This prize can be awarded at most one time for each participant across the rounds. If the winner of a round has been already awarded with this prize in a previous round, or if they are somehow unable to receive/use it, the second place participant will take it and so on, until an eligible participant is found. Restrictions may apply.
- Top 5 winners will be awarded a bag of openECSC and ECSC branded swag.
- 5 more swag bags will be awarded, randomly selecting 5 people from place 6th-100th at the end of the round.
- 3 additional swag bags will be awarded to the authors of the top 3 writeups in the Best writeup competition.