Fri, 31 May 2024, 17:00 UTC — Sat, 01 June 2024, 20:00 UTC 


US, Santa Clara

Hardware CTF by Quarkslab event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

Future weight: 0.00 

Rating weight: 0.00 

Event organizers 

Sixth edition of the Hardware CTF for USA 2024.
We've got plenty of challenges related to various themes such as PCB reversing, Microldering, BLE, RFID, MCU, automotive and much more. We provide the targets but also the hardware hacking tools you might need (soldering iron,...) as well as guidance on how to use them.

Challenges creation and CTF organization by Quarkslab.
Prizes sponsored by Viasat.



Second place:
Third place:


9 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 Somerset Recon 1820.0000.000
2 spaceraccoon 1600.0000.000
3 Synacktiv ⛩️ 1550.0000.000
4 DZ_Home 1180.0000.000
5 gsgx 1060.0000.000
6 TiltMeSenpai 1050.0000.000
7 superteam 800.0000.000
8 disco 200.0000.000
9 cat emoji 150.0000.000
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