Sat, 07 Sept. 2024, 04:00 UTC — Sun, 08 Sept. 2024, 04:00 UTC 


HackTheDrone CTF event.

Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

This event's weight is subject of public voting!

Rating weight: 0 

Event organizers 

HackTheDrone CTF started since 2023. This year is 2nd event. Top 8 teams of qualifier will be invited to finals (held in COEX South Korea, the location is same as CODEGATE CTF finals)

Schedule & Place

Register : 2024. 08. 01. ~ 2024. 08. 31.
- You can register in the top menu of the website, 'Register for competition'

Preliminary(Online) : 2024. 09. 07. 04:00 ~ 2024. 09. 08. 04:00 (UTC, 24HR)

Finals(Offline) : 2024. 10. 30. (Exact time will be announced later)
- Place : Conference Room 3rd floor, COEX, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Team formation : 1 team of 4

As a result of the preliminary, the top 8 teams advance to the finals.

* The qualifying missions are available online, with several missions focused on reversing / forensic / analysis related to drone systems that can be solved with SW. And the teams should solve mission and obtain FLAGs.
- Write-up reports for evidence may be requested only for the team that is confirmed to advance to the finals.


1st - 5,000,000 Won (roughly 4,000USD)
2nd - 2,000,000 Won (roughly 1,500USD)
3rd - 1,000,000 Won (roughly 700USD)

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