Voting ended at: May 8, 2016, 4:59 p.m.

Weight after voting: 21.99 / 25.0

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


25 Ror_schach Thanks!!!

25 a0xnirudh Good CTF

25 matan_mates Was pretty damn awesome

25 Dan fun ctf

25 tdrv Difficulty seems comparative to CTFs worth 25+ points. Good challenges, good support etc. Range of difficulty needs to be more staggered.

15 NGG For lots of tasks we had to guess what the organizers were thinking like they were all stego. Really unbalanced scores for tasks.

25 neptunia Great ctf!

12 Murmus Felt like a reasonably good CTF made by people who don't play much/any CTF. Challenge selection/points seemed all over the place.

15 artorius Good range of problem difficulty

25 leopoldinelolcat Good CTF

25 ZetaTwo Great CTF

9 ZetaTwo Great CTF-TRÄNING

10 Damonsson looked like google services promotion, not CTF

25 Pwny awsome ctf

25 sagimor6 A very challenging CTF

13 nsr Challs were okay, but: Oauth only, too focused on $google_technology (ctf ain't no advertisement platform!), points for teaserchalls

25 rad good ctf with many options

25 mandlebro Very cool CTF. Probably should worth more than 25 pts given differnt range of challs/difficulty and some very cool problems!

25 Hertz Excellent quality and fair amounts of points for most of the problems.

25 jonasbb Great CTF

25 crayontheft Good quality challenges

20 Isaac Not bad

25 Pwny Good challenges

25 jardeath awesome

25 MrMugiwara great ctf

25 MrMugiwara good ctf

25 h0twinter Great CTF

25 _bl4de Good CTF with a lot of interesting challenges

25 andre_smaira Great CTF, Very Difficult

5 superbacker

25 0x13A0F

10 hellman A few nice challenges, but unbalanced categories, and VERY weird challenge scores. Unnecessary TLS everywhere.

25 afonsotfaria21 Cool ctf. Maybe less problems and provide more feedback on how to run the non x86 executables for pwning and reversing next time

25 gkrishna Awesome challenges.

25 HRJ Nice Challenges

10 n0n3m4 B-O-R-I-N-G. The first CTF that had hard tasks, but was so BORING, so I didn't even spend much time solving it. It was too Googlish also.

18 cr019283 Some challenges were interesting, but there is a room for improvement.

25 ammar2 Fairly fun challenges, wide variety of difficulties

25 abeaumont lots of interesting challenges, medium difficulty

12 babyphdteam Hard but no fun.

25 Iam5ud0

25 sparemans hard

25 amelkiy Good, hard CTF, issues were fixed quickly, although a bit too much around Google products

25 Dacat Good CTF but way too much Google technology advertising.

10 lpfwr some tasks were interesting, som were too google oriented (as someone already mentioned)

21 abraxas Easy to navigate and understand, minor issues with the XSS challenges, wide variety and plentiful questions. Good range of difficulty.

25 shivanshuag good ctf, lots of challenges for everyone.

25 eugenekolo vgood. 1)chals for noob/students 2)chals for ctf pros 3)unique tech in chals, bit too many google ads though. 4)enough variety+chals

25 danilonc Very fun tasks, thank you

25 codelec good ctf learned a lot

25 sml555 Was really good. Learned a lot!

25 sml555 Was really good. Learned a lot!

25 disconnect3d Great CTF, learned a lot new things

25 jchristman I thought the tasks were quite challenging!!

25 hds Well structured.

25 gigajum Good CTF, nice amount and variety of tasks. Required google account and a category to promote google project were a bit out of place

25 Glitch Original challs, very fun and google themed. One of the better CTFs I've taken a part of in a while.

25 l33tb4nana Tnakkat wkhelas :D

25 Occupe Good challenge i really liked :D...(y)

25 samuirai many challenges. Closeness to google (GQL,proto buffers,...) made this CTF new/refreshing. Professional, good organised, a CTF worth playing

25 l33tb4nana Good ctf

25 oranav Most challenges were innovative and interesting. Plenty of categories, lots of teasers. All in all, it was fun!

25 maxi nice one. less forensics and more pwnables in normal architectures the next time :P

25 hvardhan Interesting challenges, good variety, could have done with less self promotion

10 krzywix oke, aimed for teams 50+ members

25 laxa Good CTF

25 yarbabin weq

25 kemmio pretty cool tasks!

25 Kaimi firsov said me to do so

25 yarbabin Nice

25 firsov Good CTF!

20 RyanAiden I thought it was an interesting way to get the community to learn more about the tools used by google. Not a bad CTF.

24 blystad Good CTF, though would be great with a few easier tasks for new beginners.

20 nazywam OK, some challs were interesting, I don't get the idea of the homework tasks.

25 sambeckskhack40 Good CTF.

25 craSH Very polished, good variety and difficulty level of challenges. Felt a bit like a recruiting event.

20 jamieh Good CTF, Good amount of chals with varying difficulties, It seemed like some challenges were forced in there to promote Google projects

25 simenbkr Pretty cool. Various interesting challenges of varying difficulties.

25 MathisHammel Amazing CTF, good task balance

25 EPG Great CTF with interesting and various challenges. Thanks!

24 kyprizel it's bad when Google CTF is made by people who neved played CTF

12 akrasuski1 Mostly OK but I didn't like changing scores during CTF and giving points for teaser tasks. Protobuf seemed forced into CTF to promote Google

25 p3tand Awesome tasks

25 ariel good CTF

25 solarwind Level of tasks is average, but orgs tried hard to organize good CTF. It worth playing, lets see next year.