Voting ended at: April 24, 2016, 9 p.m.
Weight after voting: 87.08 / 100.0
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
1 SoldierR5 hard
100 umutoztunc it was fun
99 mehmetcalim It was high quality ctf
70 jamieh good ctf
100 jamieh good ctf
100 BenjaminDeuter :-)
50 cr019283 High quality CTF
95 _m4gu quite awesome CTF ;-)
100 Fish This is a very good one. It'll be better if there are more reversing challenges!
1 security_player balance 100s spammers :/
50 Damonsson not bad
1 trophhyy wtf? 100 points?!
70 Ghaaf ^__^
100 Execut3 very high qualified ctf... liked it so much
80 Hertz :)
1 Hertz Idiots below. Worth 70 but not more.
100 1amtom It was a good one
1 GiM despite the fact that I really enjoyed, seeing what's happening here makes my eye bleed.
1 leopoldinelolcat Those spammer cant be serious. 100 is sooo over rated, it deserve 60/70 pts. I vote 1 to balance.
65 Riatre Let's negotiate those spammed 100 pts
39 str
60 overlf0 Great CTF! Also, as others have said, 100 points is a bit too much, nevertheless.
100 [deleted user] COOL
100 Ror_schach TROLOLO
100 MrMugiwara Great CTF
100 MrMugiwara Great CTF
100 p0lm Nice balance in difficulty. Solid infrastructure.
100 _bl4de Great CTF
100 p4p1lio_1337133713371337 good
100 Ror_schach good! Thanks!
100 l33tb4nana Good
60 xorb0ss Great CTF
42 RootUser Challenging and good ctf :) organizers did a great job
65 Pharisaeus Great crypto and web. Really nice CTF, topped even 0CTF, but let's not exaggerate with 100p ;)
60 hellman Solid CTF
75 cryptator Challenging :)
60 Gromak123 Good CTF. It was really hard.
60 TMT nice!
100 shiki7 great challenges
100 no0ne good & hard ctf :)
100 david942j very nice challenges!
100 peter50216 Awesome CTF.
100 lpfwr learning++;
90 kelwin Hard and fun!
100 whitewidow 420 blaze it
100 Carapas Very good and challenging
50 eugenekolo How is it 100? 0ctf, BkP, Nuit, SU, etc. are all ~50. This wasn't 2x more fun or challenging than 0ctf.
90 mooey5775 Good CTF. It was hard.
100 edwood777 great ctf. hard but fun, as usual.
80 FrizN Good CTF, a bit of everything and challenges for everyone. Not as creative as the previous editions though.
70 FrizN Good CTF, a bit of everything and challenges for everyone. Not as creative than the previous years though.
100 x64x6a_ nice!
100 sml555 Really good CTF. Was challenging
100 maxi hard problems with only 3-4 solves and some lower point alternatives as well. enjoyed it a lot
100 Matir Great gameplay, very difficult.
100 babyphdteam interesting
100 mathboy7 It was not bad, hardcore Pwn and Crypto was Impressive.
100 negasora One of the hardest CTFs of the year
100 akrasuski1 Great CTF
90 Riatre Nice and hard, deserves a 90.
100 l33tb4nana Good ctf
100 0xerr0r High quality CTF
75 sparemans Nice challenges, no server problems.
100 grimmlin Awesome CTF
85 ZetaTwo High quality CTF
100 havocmage Fun! Great range of challenges for noobs and experts alike.
100 maxima Very competitive CTF, high quality challenges.
100 Delirium epic CTF is epic :)
80 arteauolivier Good challenge quality.
100 gynvael Epic CTF, great, high quality challenges. Had a lot of fun with them :)
88 kyprizel nice challenges
100 solarwind That was cool! Thank you!
100 cebrusfs nice
75 clark last years weight
100 beched ++
50 ZetaTwo High quality CTF