Voting ended at: Oct. 2, 2016, 3 p.m.
Weight after voting: 15.50 / 25.0
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
1 kt Next time I will make my own CTF in my imaginary language with stego challs and hookers. I hope that will get 25p too... <3
25 Valid High quality tasks
25 jnovikov Really hard tasks.
1 n0n3m4 Russian-only == no rating
2 rkarabut We're definitely agreeing with p4 on this; not CSAW level at all. Kudos to foreign teams who managed participating.
25 r00tman -
25 vitmalkin Good quals, high level of tasks
25 solarwind so as it is not 1 point level of breakin ctf 2016, although swearing girl in telegram for flag submission is quite an innovation in ctfs
1 Pharisaeus All in Russian, registration closed before ctf start, also let's be honest, this is not CSAW level (which was 25)
1 leopoldinelolcat -
25 _nffs PPC was really great, it's not a common thing at all
25 Pankariot Amazing homevideo
25 [deleted user] Top reverse tasks
25 lionaneesh Unique rev challenges and tricky web as well. Heartless is the best CTF admin ever!