Voting ended at: Feb. 21, 2017, noon

Weight after voting: 23.68 / 25.0

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


25 Pixelschleuder Nice CTF! :-)

25 avarx was fun. thx.

25 madHatter good ctf

25 nitram Great challenges, thanks!

25 cyberpigsec Nice challenges. We had a lot of fun.

20 HomeSen Learned a lot and had even more fun.

21 Pwn17 good

20 ThePwnInternational Fun challenges

25 tenflo Nice CTF, Zumbo series was fun

25 gkrishna Well constructed challenges!

25 Dacat sweet ctf @ bsides

25 thepowerofgrep Great !

25 ZeroOne Great tasks, excellent support

25 slashnick Fun CTF, the challenges were interesting

20 _bl4de Good CTF, interesting challenges

25 nazywam I liked it, pretty cool challenges.

25 rh0gue Thanks for the fun CTF!

25 donnieCTF Fun challenges.

25 sambeckskhack40 Good CTF.

22 Grazfather Very fun, good variety of challenges. No super difficult pwns.

20 uafio no good pwns, but fun

25 ginjabenjamin Excellent challenges for all ranges.

25 meshx good ctf

24 Pharisaeus Really nice, apart from the fact that it was partially during working week.

17 h0twinter Nice CTF, too few pwnables

25 sferrini Great CTF! I enjoyed it.

20 laxa CTF with interestings taks

20 laxa CTF with interestings taks

25 Dacat Fun CTF

25 firsov Nice tasks