Sun, 12 Feb. 2017, 12:00 UTC — Tue, 14 Feb. 2017, 12:00 UTC 



Format: Jeopardy Jeopardy

Official URL:

This event's future weight is subject of public voting!

Future weight: 23.68 

Rating weight: 23.68 

Event organizers 

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The BSides San Francisco CTF will be held in parallel with the BSides San Francisco conference, February 11 @ 4pm PST - February 13 @ 4pm PST. It’ll target beginner-intermediate folks with a few harder challenges, including some exploitation, web, and mobile. There will be several “toy” challenges, as well as several challenges that are based on real-life vulnerabilities.

Players will be able to play on-site in our CTF room, if they choose, or they can play on-line. It’s possible that there will be some physical challenges where on-site presence is required!

Cloud hosting sponsored by Google.


531 teams total

PlaceTeamCTF pointsRating points
1 dcua 6773.00047.360
2 OpenToAll 5178.00029.944
3 scryptos 5093.00025.700
4 Dragon Sector 4877.00022.971
5 Antichat 4877.00021.787
6 p4 4777.00020.648
7 khack40 4677.00019.735
8 squareroots 4643.00019.193
9 ASIS 4427.00018.109
10 Ox002147 4397.00017.741
11 Batman's Kitchen 4377.00017.456
12 Capture the Swag 4227.00016.752
13 TheGoonies 4127.00016.251
14 wasamusume 4127.00016.120
15 CodiSec 3943.00015.364
16 $1 3877.00015.035
17 0x90r00t 3861.00014.892
18 Harekaze 3837.00014.731
19 Cyber Pig Security 3807.00014.556
20 NYUSEC 3777.00014.389
21 irGeeks 3577.00013.634
22 3548.00013.481
23 noraneco 3527.00013.361
24 dust 3313.00012.570
25 Hash Slinging Hackers 3278.00012.408
26 TokyoWesterns 3197.00012.088
27 badfirmware 3137.00011.845
28 LosFuzzys 3011.00011.373
29 NULL 3011.00011.344
30 dodododo 2959.00011.135
31 NeverTry 2912.00010.945
32 0x41434142 2668.00010.068
33 Cybernatural 2627.0009.902
34 BalalaikaCr3w 2581.0009.720
35 Just Hit the Core 2581.0009.700
36 2567.0009.633
37 Snatch The Root 2547.0009.545
38 Infektion 2477.0009.283
39 Epic Leet Team 2377.0008.918
40 PKTeam 2211.0008.322
41 blackbunny 2161.0008.133
42 Eat, Sleep, Pwn, Repeat 2159.0008.112
43 RATF{Rage Against The Flag} 2137.0008.022
44 Fourchette Bombe 2111.0007.919
45 ElectricWolfs 2081.0007.802
46 MV9rwGOf08 2081.0007.790
47 P_TE 2071.0007.745
48 pwnpeii 2061.0007.699
49 nattypwns 2031.0007.584
50 BobbyTable 2031.0007.574
51 HSG 2030.0007.562
52 farmingsimulator2015 2007.0007.472
53 Bushwhackers 1981.0007.373
54 Nightst0rm 1930.0007.186
55 BabyPhD 1891.0007.042
56 Crayola 1867.0006.950
57 DevOps Solution 1823.0006.789
58 InfoSecIITR 1781.0006.635
59 HackingForSoju 1781.0006.628
60 Sudo_root 1711.0006.377
61 Lorem Ipsec 1685.0006.279
62 EPAD 1681.0006.259
63 xSTF 1661.0006.183
64 0daysober 1585.0005.912
65 teamteam 1580.0005.888
66 UPTimSec 1561.0005.816
67 Pandemic 1551.0005.776
68 R3d Cr3sc3nt 1547.0005.757
69 Shadow Cats 1532.0005.699
70 hanto 1511.0005.621
71 h4rdF0rc3 1509.0005.609
72 Espacio 1501.0005.577
73 g0tiu5a 1499.0005.565
74 tank1st99 1461.0005.428
75 OPT 1461.0005.424
76 The Northern Coalition 1452.0005.388
77 HOW BOU DAH 1448.0005.370
78 b0tch_sec 1431.0005.307
79 bi0s 1431.0005.303
80 Time2Train 1381.0005.124
81 Sailendra 1361.0005.051
82 ENOFLAG 1331.0004.942
83 ISITDTU 1331.0004.939
84 noTeamName 1331.0004.935
85 0xc0ffee 1331.0004.932
86 SIGINT 1311.0004.859
87 H3X0R 1261.0004.681
88 thorough liberties quieted saloonkeeper 1258.0004.667
89 e0d1n 1231.0004.570
90 leommxj 1205.0004.476
91 babbage 1200.0004.456
92 WhiteCat 1199.0004.449
93 MSEC 1181.0004.384
94 FluxFingers 1131.0004.206
95 zeosutt 1131.0004.204
96 Cambridge2 1130.0004.197
97 PC_CTF 1120.0004.160
98 Honeypot 1111.0004.126
99 D3siprox 1111.0004.124
100 VoidHack 1101.0004.086
101 CyberOps 1101.0004.084
102 CyberTeam6 1081.0004.012
103 SiBears 1080.0004.006
104 owlinux 1075.0003.986
105 Winter2017 1061.0003.935
106 1056.0003.915
107 noodlesie 1051.0003.896
108 Yaheed 1051.0003.894
109 LastSecurity 1051.0003.892
110 YagamiKou 1050.0003.886
111 cnsuva 1041.0003.853
112 Migdalo 1032.0003.820
113 B0rn2Rute 1026.0003.797
114 Magic Hat 1026.0003.795
115 skybullet 1020.0003.772
116 Binary Phoenix 1017.0003.760
117 Llo unlimited 1003.0003.709
118 pwn4food 1001.0003.700
119 elihu 981.0003.629
120 amn3s1a 981.0003.627
121 jinmo123 956.0003.538
122 SHARK 931.0003.449
123 weRgR00t 926.0003.430
124 ChalmersCTF 926.0003.428
125 0xDEADD00D 916.0003.392
126 objEEdump 881.0003.268
127 _PRIME_ 881.0003.267
128 terminal21 880.0003.262
129 ITCMUDTU 876.0003.246
130 Bono_iPad 876.0003.245
131 PHCN 851.0003.156
132 ph4n70m_4v474r 851.0003.155
133 Ascope 831.0003.083
134 ahihi 828.0003.072
135 Wolves 815.0003.025
136 SaiberSekuriti 811.0003.010
137 r3d4 808.0002.998
138 DumnHue 791.0002.937
139 JohnDoe 781.0002.901
140 CSUS/n00bs 776.0002.882
141 WeMadeSkiddieGreatAgain 776.0002.881
142 cRUcible 776.0002.880
143 rawsec 776.0002.879
144 Av3ng3rs 1n1t14t1v3 776.0002.878
145 ALLES! 776.0002.876
146 Tower of Hanoi 766.0002.840
147 La team roquette! 766.0002.839
148 newbie 762.0002.824
149 vanhelsing 756.0002.802
150 igorPyan 751.0002.784
151 Pwn17 751.0002.782
152 KSUCDC 751.0002.781
153 DreadedLama 751.0002.780
154 T3H 751.0002.779
155 Gophers in the Shell 750.0002.775
156 Dakine 750.0002.774
157 Cupertino 750.0002.773
158 Plaid Parliament of Pwning 747.0002.762
159 The Wizard's Sanctum 731.0002.705
160 Tinfoil Hats 721.0002.669
161 Tenesys 711.0002.633
162 MhackGyver 706.0002.615
163 YEEEEEE 705.0002.610
164 DATATECH 702.0002.599
165 Hack Of Thrones 696.0002.577
166 CTYS 694.0002.569
167 d4rkc0de 686.0002.540
168 NEWSECU 683.0002.529
169 P01TERGEIST 681.0002.521
170 Bonobono 680.0002.517
171 h 677.0002.505
172 n00bish 676.0002.501
173 Hacker Ameer 676.0002.500
174 nocommnt 676.0002.500
175 Sihadan 665.0002.460
176 wctf 661.0002.446
177 CCSF_HACKERS 657.0002.431
178 UnknownException 656.0002.427
179 InfSeg 654.0002.419
180 Dangling Pointers 651.0002.408
181 TechLifeForum 651.0002.407
182 llllllll 650.0002.403
183 MeMeMe 648.0002.395
184 Team IA 644.0002.380
185 CalicemPulmenti 640.0002.366
186 PogTeam 636.0002.351
187 NIS 631.0002.333
188 DBCooper 631.0002.332
189 Ouroboros 630.0002.328
190 BAH-Humbug 626.0002.313
191 CH1M3R45 621.0002.295
192 zzz 609.0002.253
193 manshour 600.0002.220
194 v0rt3x 597.0002.209
195 t5 596.0002.205
196 buttbounce 590.0002.184
197 Gibdeon 577.0002.138
198 Section31 576.0002.133
199 b1n4ry4rms 576.0002.133
200 Erkan 576.0002.132
201 Acca_ 576.0002.132
202 L0s3rz 571.0002.114
203 Newbcore 570.0002.110
204 Harimeow Malaya 556.0002.060
205 CactusField 555.0002.056
206 temporaryError502 551.0002.041
207 ICEWALL 542.0002.009
208 BugBountyForum 541.0002.005
209 G4ngli0s 541.0002.005
210 ffffx00000 535.0001.983
211 apa 534.0001.979
212 flagish 530.0001.965
213 Cincy 526.0001.950
214 cewub 525.0001.946
215 JI 516.0001.914
216 gooligans 501.0001.861
217 Dalton Brothers 500.0001.857
218 233 500.0001.857
219 prostiroot 496.0001.842
220 Cryptocrybaby 496.0001.842
221 Qteam 495.0001.838
222 Tarun 495.0001.837
223 Ridiculous Antennas 481.0001.788
224 SWIFT 476.0001.770
225 Baofeng 473.0001.759
226 a-cool-team-name 471.0001.752
227 b4bouche 464.0001.727
228 LevaNova 461.0001.716
229 acdwas 460.0001.712
230 starPt 460.0001.711
231 0xdeadc0de 458.0001.704
232 selectstar 452.0001.682
233 Flacidshafts 451.0001.678
234 H@K 450.0001.675
235 Perspolice 450.0001.674
236 Nortic 450.0001.674
237 Dojo0x01 440.0001.638
238 GowtamSecure 435.0001.620
239 tmtz 425.0001.585
240 asdf1234 416.0001.553
241 alexsec 411.0001.535
242 Shinsentsumi 401.0001.500
243 TopMia 401.0001.499
244 0xNoobs 401.0001.499
245 YoloSw4g 385.0001.443
246 Bl4ckH0l3 385.0001.442
247 ST1TCH 378.0001.417
248 Noobs in The Hood 376.0001.410
249 beeswithmachineguns 372.0001.396
250 invader 355.0001.336
251 HackThisSite 351.0001.322
252 UglyFlowers 351.0001.321
253 Ba Sing Sec 351.0001.321
254 Operation Screaming Fist 336.0001.268
255 bruteforce&&impatience 331.0001.250
256 0xD0ff9 330.0001.246
257 Sw1ssFr13nds 326.0001.232
258 The DHARMA Initiative 326.0001.232
259 Hackers 326.0001.231
260 NoTeamNoName 321.0001.213
261 Stack 316.0001.196
262 )#$#)#R#RKKKGV 315.0001.192
263 Hack&Tic 306.0001.160
264 NullSpaceLabs 301.0001.142
265 N 292.0001.110
266 velesovo_pole 286.0001.089
267 rise5 279.0001.064
268 McCafe Antivirus 277.0001.057
269 otterHackers 267.0001.022
270 lxf42 261.0001.000
271 Aminek 254.0000.975
272 taurus 251.0000.965
273 0wl07 250.0000.961
274 earthpig 244.0000.940
275 Hax 235.0000.908
276 PwnReversing 231.0000.893
277 Domino 230.0000.890
278 slipper 230.0000.889
279 Players 227.0000.879
280 topkek 226.0000.875
281 1337Dirty5Thirty 226.0000.874
282 n4rv4l0 226.0000.874
283 s0m4 225.0000.870
284 theBBB 225.0000.870
285 kirick 224.0000.866
286 preddy 221.0000.855
287 Peezza 220.0000.852
288 Funk-a-tron 217.0000.841
289 daruma 215.0000.834
290 3v01v3 206.0000.802
291 0x23b 206.0000.802
292 Among Others 205.0000.798
293 HackInfinity 203.0000.791
294 TeamBrutus 201.0000.783
295 KS.IS 201.0000.783
296 z3 200.0000.779
297 p0larKumaSan 200.0000.779
298 GatorHacks 197.0000.768
299 None 196.0000.764
300 ChoclateGill 191.0000.747
301 Team Heath 187.0000.732
302 Serenity 186.0000.729
303 Scrypter 181.0000.711
304 AllThePennies 181.0000.711
305 y0ur.li3.1n.4pril 180.0000.707
306 zakap 177.0000.696
307 MHQ 177.0000.696
308 Team Cryptis 176.0000.692
309 seiyakyokai 175.0000.688
310 nacayoshi00 175.0000.688
311 KSLT 169.0000.667
312 Cache_Crook 160.0000.635
313 tototitita 157.0000.625
314 TracerTee 156.0000.621
315 YETI 156.0000.621
316 TWN 156.0000.620
317 Lalalalalalala 153.0000.610
318 bcnerd 152.0000.606
319 Solo [Nepal] 151.0000.602
320 C0rg1Team 151.0000.602
321 ReUTD 150.0000.598
322 AllAlone 150.0000.598
323 CCQK 146.0000.584
324 log2 146.0000.584
325 13a0f 145.0000.580
326 6CTF_H4ck35 144.0000.576
327 tank1st9 143.0000.572
328 Delusions of Grandeur 141.0000.565
329 2O2L2H 139.0000.558
330 Alamina_is_noob 135.0000.544
331 Valentinois 129.0000.523
332 SULOBAND 126.0000.512
333 Pwn October 126.0000.512
334 redbolt 126.0000.511
335 fi 125.0000.508
336 Israelites 123.0000.501
337 ViviTurtle 121.0000.493
338 TeamZ 120.0000.490
339 buchi 119.0000.486
340 fodalulz 116.0000.475
341 login_failed 115.0000.472
342 Gh05tPr1nc3 110.0000.454
343 MEH 107.0000.443
344 Privileged 106.0000.439
345 atipaHy 106.0000.439
346 koo 106.0000.439
347 hAIXer 106.0000.439
348 101a 105.0000.435
349 AIM 105.0000.435
350 Улаанбаатар 104.0000.431
351 4ngl3rf1sh 103.0000.428
352 Monsters Inc. 102.0000.424
353 FIJ 100.0000.417
354 Chaos Legion 100.0000.417
355 IDon'tKnow 99.0000.413
356 uranium238sec 96.0000.402
357 lalalala 96.0000.402
358 yipyop 96.0000.402
359 DumbBytes 95.0000.398
360 Tech-com 95.0000.398
361 Arre OOO Samba! 94.0000.394
362 darkwing 93.0000.391
363 h4x0rs 91.0000.383
364 MonsterCat 90.0000.380
365 shimenawa 90.0000.380
366 Dibs on Last Place! 86.0000.365
367 groovylazer 85.0000.362
368 alicio 85.0000.362
369 NhatNiem 80.0000.344
370 0team 80.0000.344
371 liiil 77.0000.333
372 Pooches 76.0000.329
373 EnVinoVeritas 76.0000.329
374 txstiso 76.0000.329
375 SSS 75.0000.325
376 FacePawn 75.0000.325
377 Admins 71.0000.311
378 qwertypass 70.0000.307
379 Naeco 70.0000.307
380 core_i3 66.0000.293
381 BlueManGroup 66.0000.293
382 The Unhandled 66.0000.293
383 1508 66.0000.293
384 anon00b 64.0000.285
385 Securimag 64.0000.285
386 ##earthpig 56.0000.257
387 RS Newbs 54.0000.250
388 Night Hawk 54.0000.250
389 daddycocoaman 53.0000.246
390 52.0000.243
391 [MV-Security] 51.0000.239
392 HackOfThings 51.0000.239
393 zork 50.0000.235
394 n0thing 50.0000.235
395 Ph03nix 50.0000.235
396 AssuredSecNinjas 50.0000.235
397 Sandbox 46.0000.220
398 panda 46.0000.220
399 Black Fedora Group 46.0000.220
400 RayGun 46.0000.220
401 Ramolino 45.0000.216
402 Security First 45.0000.216
403 Notlegityetoquit 42.0000.206
404 S A D B O Y S 41.0000.202
405 TheKillingTime 41.0000.202
406 Hannah 40.0000.198
407 rot 40.0000.198
408 DecipherCreed 40.0000.198
409 Jooh 40.0000.198
410 0xec 40.0000.198
411 TeamS3ven 40.0000.197
412 recent 40.0000.197
413 0 Chill 34.0000.176
414 4ckSec 33.0000.173
415 esreveREngineer 33.0000.172
416 butts 31.0000.165
417 postaloneteam 31.0000.165
418 learnersatctf 31.0000.165
419 lolzzz 31.0000.165
420 7*7 30.0000.161
421 x19h1a2 30.0000.161
422 MM 30.0000.161
423 Zzzzz 30.0000.161
424 qqwer 30.0000.161
425 yharima 30.0000.161
426 h4stoor 26.0000.146
427 ProjectJI 26.0000.146
428 Bopoznpvt 26.0000.146
429 Spanish Inquisition 26.0000.146
430 KYS 26.0000.146
431 container 26.0000.146
432 karmasutra 26.0000.146
433 vader_team 26.0000.146
434 0x00C0FFEE 26.0000.145
435 BOUNDLESSKILT 26.0000.145
436 trash 26.0000.145
437 rayting 26.0000.145
438 illmob 26.0000.145
439 KasaBR 26.0000.145
440 csides 26.0000.145
441 UrsaMajor 25.0000.141
442 SoftTrack 25.0000.141
443 robustmeal35 25.0000.141
444 no-pwn 25.0000.141
445 randomte4m 25.0000.141
446 luffy_99 25.0000.141
447 ATOMIC 24.0000.137
448 IFCE 24.0000.137
449 Kiritard 24.0000.137
450 bang-null 24.0000.137
451 Just@notherTeam 23.0000.133
452 Monkeys 23.0000.133
453 Secret Weapon 23.0000.133
454 sherl0ck 23.0000.133
455 TwentyOne 22.0000.129
456 Serpent Skis 22.0000.129
457 nther 21.0000.125
458 LIONCITY 21.0000.125
459 MrMugiwara 21.0000.125
460 efiens 20.0000.121
461 lock 20.0000.121
462 Lilac 20.0000.121
463 sector443 20.0000.121
464 Haboob 20.0000.121
465 Zer0Gay 20.0000.121
466 noobs 20.0000.121
467 Practice_Team 20.0000.121
468 Internet Cafe Legends 20.0000.121
469 Magic 20.0000.120
470 Clippy Security Inc. 20.0000.120
471 403 20.0000.120
472 Neders 20.0000.120
473 GNU-E-Ducks 11.0000.089
474 DecipherCreed22 11.0000.088
475 naab 11.0000.088
476 biffsquad 11.0000.088
477 Beginner's Luck 10.0000.085
478 CO 10.0000.085
479 전보람결혼해조 10.0000.084
480 3c 10.0000.084
481 CSsquad 10.0000.084
482 UETNewbie 10.0000.084
483 Whatever 10.0000.084
484 takisystema 10.0000.084
485 CultOfTheDeadCarrot 6.0000.070
486 lost+found 6.0000.070
487 Snafers 6.0000.070
488 Mox 6.0000.070
489 6e6f6f62 5.0000.066
490 T0T3M_M4G1 5.0000.066
491 ISDTU4 5.0000.066
492 ATLAS 5.0000.066
493 Shakers 5.0000.066
494 SpyDer 5.0000.065
495 HKGOV 5.0000.065
496 hackbyr0k 4.0000.062
497 dancing_guitars 4.0000.062
498 Masterofsquid2 4.0000.062
499 randomname 3.0000.058
500 trainorsploit 3.0000.058
501 HIfromHI 2.0000.054
502 GevDev 2.0000.054
503 OwnTeam 2.0000.054
504 Fiddlers 2.0000.054
505 nope 2.0000.054
506 TB12 2.0000.054
507 New Team 2.0000.054
508 BlackPwn 1.0000.050
509 ECX Inc. 1.0000.050
510 loner 1.0000.050
511 qtest 1.0000.050
512 PUPR 1.0000.050
513 Crozent 1.0000.050
514 Callipygian Consortium of Cryptography 1.0000.050
515 ppl 1.0000.049
516 scottie 1.0000.049
517 destroyer 1.0000.049
518 RealityBytes 1.0000.049
519 pj 1.0000.049
520 ☣HYDRA☣ 1.0000.049
521 RJ45 1.0000.049
522 ace 1.0000.049
523 asdf 1.0000.049
524 Jives 1.0000.049
525 #ack_M4ndU 1.0000.049
526 test-user 1.0000.049
527 TmTs 1.0000.048
528 gretchins 1.0000.048
529 starchypotatoes 1.0000.048
530 AlexaM 1.0000.048
531 Crysp-yBacon 1.0000.024
Pwn17Feb. 12, 2017, 6:14 a.m.

0ps, time mismatch

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