Sticks and Stones 50 looking_confused general_skills 3
Basic C4 30 general general_skills 2
HOME RUN 50 cryptography crypto 1
NO¯Γ̶ IX 75 general general_skills 2
Survey! 100 misc 1
A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed 50 misc 3
Off-Topic 5 misc 1
Clean Pandas 250 forensics 1
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Motivational Message 200 forensics 3
catch-at 66 forensics 1
Oni 2699 crypto 1
Hump's Day 1050 crypto 4
IdleRPG 800 crypto 1
I Love You 3000 700 crypto guessing 1
FBI 375 crypto 2
Wrong Way 150 crypto 3
notice me senpai 100 crypto 3
That's a Lot of Stuff . . . 275 cryptography 5
Strong Password 1 misc 4
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BASmati ricE 64 150 forensics 3
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Web Invaders 250 web 3
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Uwu? 125 web 7
Code On 500 dna cryptography 5
Sprite viewer 400 web 1
Robots. Yeah, I know, pretty obvious 25 web 6
Phishing for Flags 105 web 6
What's in the box? 200 web 7
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Chugalug's Footpads 150 forensics 4
cat-chat 125 forensics 5
BTS-Crazed 75 forensics 6
15 100 crypto 4
Work In Progress 400 binary 1
Snakes 500 binary 3
print(f) to Pay Respects 100 1
Don’t Give The GIANt a COOKie 100 crypto 2
No Sleep 100 js web time cryptojs 7
What's the Password: Revisited 300 elf 4