Rating is counted per-year
2017+ formula
- weight is an per-event value, depends on tasks and organization level, participated teams or public voting (previous years weight used*)
- total_teams is a number of teams got >0 points in particular event
- best_points is a number of points got by the winner of particular event
- team_place is a final place got by the team in particular event
- team_points is a number of points got by the team in particular event
No matter how many CTFs your team participate - only 10 best results count in yearly rating.
*time window of 18 months used b/c event time can shift within a year.
Pre-2017 formula

- weight is an per-event value, depends on tasks and organization level, participated teams or public voting
- total_teams is a number of teams got >0 points in particular event
- best_points is a number of points got by the winner of particular event
- team_place is a final place got by the team in particular event
- team_points is a number of points got by the team in particular event
The more CTFs your team participate - the more rating points it gets.
June 12, 2012, 12:45 a.m.
there's an extra closing paren in the denominator...
June 13, 2012, 10:43 a.m.
April 11, 2014, 11:27 a.m.
is this still the correct rating formula?
i think the denominator of Erating(1+(team_place/total_teams)) was removed...
July 8, 2014, 7:14 p.m.
I agree with Kristoffer. It looks like (based on assigned points from recent ctf) the denominator is no longer in the equation.
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