Clam managed to get parole for his dumb cryptography jokes, but after making yet another dumb joke on his way out of the courtroom, he was sent straight back in. This time, he was sentenced to 5 years of making dumb Vigenere challenges. Clam, fed up with the monotony of challenge writing, made a program to do it for him. Can you solve enough challenges to get the flag?
Connect to the challenge at nc 31333. Source(
import string
import os
import random
with open("flag.txt", "r") as f:
flag =
alpha = string.ascii_lowercase
def encrypt(msg, key):
ret = ""
i = 0
for c in msg:
if c in alpha:
ret += alpha[(alpha.index(key[i]) + alpha.index(c)) % len(alpha)]
i = (i + 1) % len(key)
ret += c
return ret
inner = alpha + "_"
noise = inner + "{}"
print("Welcome to the vinegar factory! Solve some crypto, it'll be fun I swear!")
i = 0
while True:
if i % 50 == 49:
fleg = flag
fleg = "actf{" + "".join(random.choices(inner, k=random.randint(10, 50))) + "}"
start = "".join(random.choices(noise, k=random.randint(0, 2000)))
end = "".join(random.choices(noise, k=random.randint(0, 2000)))
key = "".join(random.choices(alpha, k=4))
print(f"Challenge {i}: {start}{encrypt(fleg + 'fleg', key)}{end}")
x = input("> ")
if x != fleg:
print("Nope! Better luck next time!")
i += 1
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