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Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
445osu!gaming CTF 2024725.00002.011
317VishwaCTF 20241050.00002.513
307LA CTF 20242240.00003.009
356BITSCTF 2024120.00000.379
457DiceCTF 2024 Quals106.00001.115
495TetCTF 2024100.00000.912
342Real World CTF 6th32.00001.638
733KnightCTF 202430.00000.014
305Mapna CTF 202479.00000.409
142Insomni'hack teaser 202461.00001.055
178UofTCTF 20242161.00003.817
298IrisCTF 2024350.00000.668
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
17CyberBytes'23 2.0110.00000.000
424vsCTF 2023200.00000.511
175Winja CTF | Nullcon Goa 2023100.00000.226
157ASIS CTF Quals 202376.00001.981
409SekaiCTF 2023139.00000.393
50HITB SECCONF CTF 20231500.00000.883
415Hacker's Playground 202310.00000.234
446CTFZone 2023 Quals100.00001.269
251Tenable CTF 2023725.00002.576
655AmateursCTF 2023135.00000.163
323CrewCTF 2023100.00000.139
360Crypto CTF 202323.00000.654
279UIUCTF 2023301.00003.165
277NahamCon CTF 20231861.00003.324
153TyphoonCon CTF 202325.00000.143
443n00bzCTF 2023991.00001.194
99Ugra CTF Open 2023300.00002.785
553HSCTF 10812.00002.057
268justCTF 202350.00000.578
410DanteCTF 2023233.00000.785
99Punk Security DevSecOps Birthday CTF40.00000.965
357WaniCTF 20231159.00003.897
270UMDCTF 2023612.00001.290
203TAMUctf 20231110.00002.820
342ångstromCTF 2023510.000013.879
771KnightCTF 202325.00000.114
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
145Srdnlen CTF 20221.00000.170
351GDG Algiers CTF 2022120.00000.271
175BCACTF 3.01175.00003.255
303HeroCTF v4250.00000.455
203BYUCTF 2022391.00000.000
2302Cyber Apocalypse CTF 2022: Intergalactic Chase 300.00000.390
144TJCTF 20221294.00003.460
238m0leCon CTF 2022 Teaser50.00000.854
321San Diego CTF 2022175.00000.518
345EZ CTF | Beginner Friendly1025.00000.000
439ångstromCTF 2022520.00006.246
406b01lers CTF100.00000.895
236TAMUctf 2022400.00001.238
680CrewCTF 202210.00000.039
376Space Heroes 2022500.00001.090
394Wolverine Security Conference/CTF200.00000.424
302OFPPT-CTF Morocco2141.00002.134
265zer0pts CTF 2022115.00000.856
301DaVinciCTF 2022141.00000.414
121TSJ CTF 2022110.00000.964
542MHSCTF 202267.00000.000
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
504VolgaCTF 2020 Qualifier1.00000.036
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
174Real World CTF 2019 Quals34.00000.454
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
142P.W.N. CTF151.00000.874
385HITCON CTF 201850.00000.847
208picoCTF 201819160.00000.000
305SEC-T CTF51.00000.636
293noxCTF 2018268.00000.351
720IceCTF 2018485.00002.196

Overall rating place: 737 with 21.833 pts in 2017

Country place: 2

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
82RHme3 - Qualifiers3.000021.833

Team members

Team writeups

UofTCTF 2024All Worbled Up [454]read writeup
UofTCTF 2024No Code [362]read writeup
UofTCTF 2024repeat [100]read writeup
UofTCTF 2024basic-overflow [100]read writeup
UofTCTF 2024Voice Changer [232]read writeup
IrisCTF 2024dhash read writeup
ångstromCTF 2022Vinegar Factory [100]read writeup